
Table of Contents

Debug Commands

Debug Commands

This chapter contains an alphabetical listing of the debug commands. Documentation for each command includes a brief description of its use, command syntax, usage guidelines, sample output, and a description of that output.

Output formats vary with each debug command. Some generate a single line of output per packet, whereas others generate multiple lines of output per packet. Some generate large amounts of output; others generate only occasional output. Some generate lines of text, and others generate information in field format. Thus, the way the debug commands are documented also varies. For example, for debug commands that generate lines of text, the output is described line by line. For debug commands that generate output in field format, tables are used to describe the fields.

By default, the network server sends the output from the debug commands to the console terminal. Sending output to a terminal (virtual console) produces less overhead than sending it to the console. Use the privileged EXEC command terminal monitor to send output to a terminal. For more information about redirecting output, see the "Using Debug Commands" chapter.

debug aaa authentication

Use the debug aaa authentication command to display information on AAA/TACACS+ authentication. Use the no form of the command to disable debugging output.

debug aaa authentication
no debug aaa authentication
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments of keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to see what methods of authentication are being used and what the results of these methods are.

Sample Display

Figure 2-1 shows sample debug aaa authentication output. A single EXEC login that uses the "default" method list and the first method, TACACS+, is displayed. The TACACS+ server sends a GETUSER request to prompt for the username and then a GETPASS request to prompt for the password, and finally a PASS response to indicate a successful login. The number 50996740 is the session ID, which is unique for each authentication. Use this ID number to distinguish between different authentications if several are occuring concurrently.

Figure 2-1: Sample Debug AAA Authentication Output
router# debug aaa authentication
6:50:12: AAA/AUTHEN: create_user user='' ruser='' port='tty19' rem_addr='' authen_type=1 service=1 priv=1
6:50:12: AAA/AUTHEN/START (0): port='tty19' list='' action=LOGIN service=LOGIN
6:50:12: AAA/AUTHEN/START (0): using "default" list
6:50:12: AAA/AUTHEN/START (50996740): Method=TACACS+
6:50:12: TAC+ (50996740): received authen response status = GETUSER
6:50:12: AAA/AUTHEN (50996740): status = GETUSER
6:50:15: AAA/AUTHEN/CONT (50996740): continue_login
6:50:15: AAA/AUTHEN (50996740): status = GETUSER
6:50:15: AAA/AUTHEN (50996740): Method=TACACS+
6:50:15: TAC+: send AUTHEN/CONT packet
6:50:15: TAC+ (50996740): received authen response status = GETPASS
6:50:15: AAA/AUTHEN (50996740): status = GETPASS
6:50:20: AAA/AUTHEN/CONT (50996740): continue_login
6:50:20: AAA/AUTHEN (50996740): status = GETPASS
6:50:20: AAA/AUTHEN (50996740): Method=TACACS+
6:50:20: TAC+: send AUTHEN/CONT packet
6:50:20: TAC+ (50996740): received authen response status = PASS
6:50:20: AAA/AUTHEN (50996740): status = PASS

debug aaa authorization

Use the debug aaa authorization command to display information on AAA/TACACS+ authorization. Use the no form of the command to disable debugging output.

debug aaa authorization
no debug aaa authorization
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments of keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to see what methods of authorization are being used and what the results of these methods are.

Sample Display

Figure 2-2 shows sample debug aaa authorization output. In this display, an EXEC authorization for user "carrel" is performed. On the first line, the username is authorized. On the second and third lines, the AV (attribute value) pairs are authorized. The debug output displays a line for each attribute value pair that is authenticated. Next, the display indicates the authorization method used. The final line in the display indicates the status of the authorization process, in this case, a failure.

Figure 2-2: Sample Debug AAA Authorization Output
2:23:21: AAA/AUTHOR (0): user='carrel'
2:23:21: AAA/AUTHOR (0): send AV service=shell
2:23:21: AAA/AUTHOR (0): send AV cmd*
2:23:21: AAA/AUTHOR (342885561): Method=TACACS+
2:23:21: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+ (342885561): user=carrel
2:23:21: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+ (342885561): send AV service=shell
2:23:21: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+ (342885561): send AV cmd*
2:23:21: AAA/AUTHOR (342885561): Post authorization status = FAIL

The aaa authorization command causes a request packet containing a series of attribute value pairs to be sent to the TACACS daemon as part of the authorization process. The daemon responds in one of three ways:

Table 2-1 describes attribute value pairs associated with the aaa authorization command which may show up in the debug output.

Note Registered users can find more information about TACACS+ and attribute pairs on Cisco Information Online (CIO). Access to CIO is available through the World Wide Web at or through a telnet connection to

Table  2-1: Attribute Value Pairs for Authorization
Attribute Value Description
service=arap Authorization for AppleTalk Remote Access is being requested.
service=shell Authorization for EXEC startup and command authorization is being requested.
service=ppp Authorization for PPP is being requested.
service=slip Authorization for SLIP is being requested.
protocol=lcp Authorization for LCP is being requested (lower layer of PPP).
protocol=ip Used with service=slip and service=slip to indicate which protocol layer is being authorized.
protocol=ipx Used with service=ppp to indicate which protocol layer is being authorized.
protocol=atalk Used with service=ppp or service=arap to indicate which protocol layer is being authorized.
protocol=vines Used with service=ppp for VINES over PPP.
protocol=unknown Used for undefined or unsupported conditions.
cmd=x Used with service=shell, if cmd=NULL, this is an authorization request to start an EXEC. If cmd is not NULL, this is a command authorization request and will contain the name of the command being authorized. For example, cmd=telnet.
cmd-arg=x Used with service=shell. When performing command authorization, the name of the command is given by a cmd=x pair for each argument listed. For example,
acl=x Used with service=shell and service=arap. For ARA, this pair contains an access list number. For service=shell, this pair contains an access class number. For example, acl=2.
inacl=x Used with service=ppp and protocol=ip. Contains an IP input access list for SLIP or PPP/IP. For example, inacl=2.
outacl=x Used with service=ppp and protocol=ip. Contains an IP output access list for SLIP or PPP/IP. For example, outacl=4.
addr=x Used with service=slip, service=ppp, and protocol=ip. Contains the IP address that the remote host should use when connecting via SLIP or PPP/IP. For example, addr=
routing=x Used with service=slip, service=ppp, and protocol=ip. Equivalent in function to the /routing flag in SLIP and PPP commands. Can either be true or false. For example, routing=true.
timeout=x Used with service=arap. The number of minutes before an ARA session disconnects. For example, timeout=60.
autocmd=x Used with service=shell and cmd=NULL. Specifies an autocommand to be executed at EXEC startup. For example, autocmd=telnet
noescape=x Used with service=shell and cmd=NULL. Specifies a noescape option to the username configuration command. Can be either true or false. For example, noescape=true.
nohangup=x Used with service=shell and cmd=NULL. Specifies a nohangup option to the username configuration command. Can be either true or false. For example. nohangup=false.
priv-lvl=x Used with service=shell and cmd=NULL. Specifies the current privilege level for command authorization as a number from 0 to 15. For example, priv-lvl=15.
zonelist=x Used with service=arap. Specifies an AppleTalk zonelist for ARA. For example, zonelist=5.
addr-pool=x Used with service=ppp and protocol=ip. Specifies the name of a local pool from which to get the address of the remote host.

debug apple arp

Use the debug apple arp EXEC command to enable debugging of the AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol (AARP). The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug apple arp [type number]
no debug apple arp
[type number]
Syntax Description
type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command is helpful when you experience problems communicating with a node on the network you control (a neighbor). If the debug apple arp display indicates that the router is receiving AARP probes, you can assume that the problem does not reside at the physical layer.

Sample Display

Figure 2-3 shows sample debug apple arp output.

Figure 2-3: Sample Debug Apple ARP Output
router# debug apple arp
Ether0: AARP: Sent resolve for 4160.26
Ether0: AARP: Reply from 4160.26(0000.0c00.0453) for 4160.154(0000.0c00.8ea9)
Ether0: AARP: Resolved waiting request for 4160.26(0000.0c00.0453)
Ether0: AARP: Reply from 4160.19(0000.0c00.0082) for 4160.154(0000.0c00.8ea9)
Ether0: AARP: Resolved waiting request for 4160.19(0000.0c00.0082)
Ether0: AARP: Reply from 4160.19(0000.0c00.0082) for 4160.154(0000.0c00.8ea9)

Explanations for representative lines of output in Figure 2-3 follow.

The following line indicates that the router has requested the hardware MAC address of the host at network address 4160.26:

Ether0: AARP: Sent resolve for 4160.26

The following line indicates that the host at network address 4160.26 has replied, giving its MAC address (0000.0c00.0453). For completeness, the message also shows the network address to which the reply was sent and its hardware MAC address (also in parentheses).

Ether0: AARP: Reply from 4160.26(0000.0c00.0453) for 4160.154(0000.0c00.8ea9)

The following line indicates that the MAC address request is complete:

Ether0: AARP: Resolved waiting request for 4160.26(0000.0c00.0453)

debug apple domain

Use the debug apple domain EXEC command to enable debugging of the AppleTalk domain activities. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug apple domain
no debug apple domain
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Use the debug apple domain command to observe activity for domains and subdomains. Use this command in conjunction with the debug apple remap command to observe interaction between remapping and domain activity. Messages are displayed when the state of a domain changes, such as creating a new domain, deleting a domain, and updating a domain.

Sample Display

Figure 2-4 shows sample debug apple domain output intermixed with output from the debug apple remap command; the two commands show related events.

Figure 2-4: Sample Debug Apple Domain Output
router# debug apple domain
router# debug apple remap
AT-REMAP: RemapProcess for net 30000 domain AURP Domain 1
AT-REMAP: ReshuffleRemapList for subdomain 1 
AT-REMAP:  Could not find a remap for cable 3000-3001
AT-DOMAIN: atdomain_DisablePort for Tunnel0
AT-DOMAIN: CleanUpDomain for domain 1 [AURP Domain 1]
AT-DOMAIN: Disabling interface Ethernet1 
AT-DOMAIN: atdomain_DisablePort for Ethernet1
AT-DOMAIN: CleanUpDomain for domain 1 [AURP Domain 1]
AT-DOMAIN: CleanSubDomain for inbound subdomain 1 
AT-REMAP: Remap for net 70 inbound subdomain 1 has been deleted
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteAvRemapList for inbound subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteRemapTable for subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteAvRemapList for inbound subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: CleanSubDomain for outbound subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteRemapTable for subdomain 1 
AT-REMAP: RemapProcess for net 30000 domain AURP Domain 1 Remaped Net 10000
AT-REMAP: Remap for net 50 outbound subdomain 1 has been deleted
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteAvRemapList for outbound subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteAvRemapList for outbound subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: CleanUpDomain for domain 1 [AURP Domain 1]
AT-DOMAIN: CleanSubDomain for inbound subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteRemapTable for subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteAvRemapList for inbound subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: CleanSubDomain for outbound subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteRemapTable for subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteAvRemapList for outbound subdomain 1 
Related Command

debug apple remap

debug apple errors

Use the debug apple errors EXEC command to display errors occurring in the AppleTalk network. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug apple errors [type number]
no debug apple errors
[type number]
Syntax Description
type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

In a stable AppleTalk network, the debug apple errors command produces little output.

To solve encapsulation problems, enable debug apple errors and debug apple packet together.

Sample Display

Figure 2-5 shows sample debug apple errors output when a router is brought up with a zone that does not agree with the zone list of other routers on the network.

Figure 2-5: Debug Apple Errors Output
router# debug apple errors
%AT-3-ZONEDISAGREES: Ethernet0: AppleTalk port disabled; zone list incompatible with 4160.19
%AT-3-ZONEDISAGREES: Ethernet0: AppleTalk port disabled; zone list incompatible with 4160.19
%AT-3-ZONEDISAGREES: Ethernet0: AppleTalk port disabled; zone list incompatible with 4160.19

As Figure 2-5 suggests, a single error message indicates zone list incompatibility; this message is sent out periodically until the condition is corrected or debug apple errors is turned off.

Most of the other messages that debug apple errors can generate are obscure or indicate a serious problem with the AppleTalk network. Some of these other messages follow.

In the following message, RTMPRsp, RTMPReq, ATP, AEP, ZIP, ADSP, or SNMP could replace NBP, and "llap dest not for us" could replace "wrong encapsulation":

Packet discarded, src 4160.12-254,dst 4160.19-254,NBP,wrong encapsulation

In the following message, in addition to invalid echo packet, other possible errors are unsolicited AEP echo reply, unknown echo function, invalid ping packet, unknown ping function, and bad responder packet type.

Ethernet0: AppleTalk packet error; no source address available
AT: pak_reply: dubious reply creation, dst 4160.19
AT: Unable to get a buffer for reply to 4160.19
Processing error, src 4160.12-254,dst 4160.19-254,AEP, invalid echo packet

The debug apple errors command can print out additional messages when other debugging commands are also turned on. When you turn on both debug apple errors and debug apple events, the following message can be generated:

Proc err, src 4160.12-254,dst 4160.19-254,ZIP,NetInfo Reply format is invalid

In the preceding message, in addition to NetInfo Reply format is invalid, other possible errors are NetInfoReply not for me, NetInfoReply ignored, NetInfoReply for operational net ignored, NetInfoReply from invalid port, unexpected NetInfoReply ignored, cannot establish primary zone, no primary has been set up, primary zone invalid, net information mismatch, multicast mismatch, and zones disagree.

When you turn on both debug apple errors and debug apple nbp, the following message can be generated:

Processing error, ...,NBP,NBP name invalid

In the preceding message, in addition to NBP name invalid, other possible errors are NBP type invalid, NBP zone invalid, not operational, error handling brrq, error handling proxy, NBP fwdreq unexpected, No route to srcnet, Proxy to "*" zone, Zone "*" from extended net, No zone info for "*", and NBP zone unknown.

When you turn on both debug apple errors and debug apple routing, the following message can be generated:

Processing error, ...,RTMPReq, unknown RTMP request

In the preceding message, in addition to unknown RTMP request, other possible errors are RTMP packet header bad, RTMP cable mismatch, routed RTMP data, RTMP bad tuple, and Not Req or Rsp.

debug apple events

Use the debug apple events EXEC command to display information about AppleTalk special events, neighbors becoming reachable/unreachable, and interfaces going up/down. Only significant events (for example, neighbor and route changes) are logged. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug apple events [type number]
no debug apple events
[type number]
Syntax Description
type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The debug apple events command is useful for solving AppleTalk network problems because it provides an overall picture of the stability of the network. In a stable network, the debug apple events command does not return any information. If the command generates numerous messages, those messages can indicate possible sources of the problems.

When configuring or making changes to a router or interface for AppleTalk, enable debug apple events. Doing so alerts you to the progress of the changes or to any errors that might result. Also use this command periodically when you suspect network problems.

The debug apple events command is also useful to determine whether network flapping (nodes toggling online and offline) is occurring. If flapping is excessive, look for routers that only support 254 networks.

When you enable debug apple events, you will see any messages that the configuration command apple event-logging normally displays. Turning on debug apple events, however, does not cause apple event-logging to be maintained in nonvolatile memory. Only turning on apple event-logging explicitly stores it in nonvolatile memory. Furthermore, if apple event-logging is already enabled, turning on or off debug apple events does not affect apple event-logging.

Sample Display

Figure 2-6 shows sample debug apple events output that describes a nonseed router coming up in discovery mode.

Figure 2-6: Sample Debug Apple Events Output with Discovery Mode State Changes

As Figure 2-6 shows, the debug apple events command is useful in tracking the discovery mode state changes through which an interface progresses. When no problems are encountered, the state changes progress as follows:

  1. Line down

  2. Restarting

  3. Probing (for its own address [node ID] using AARP)

  4. Acquiring (sending out GetNetInfo requests)

  5. Requesting zones (the list of zones for its cable)

  6. Verifying (that the router's configuration is correct. If not, a port configuration mismatch is declared.)

  7. Checking zones (to make sure its list of zones is correct)

  8. Operational (participating in routing)

Explanations for individual lines of output in Figure 2-6 follow.

The following message indicates that a port is set. In this case, the zone multicast address is being reset:

Ether0: AT: Resetting interface address filters

The following messages indicate that the router is changing to restarting mode:

%AT-5-INTRESTART: Ether0: AppleTalk port restarting; protocol restarted
Ether0: AppleTalk state changed; unknown -> restarting

The following message indicates that the router is probing in the startup range of network numbers (65280-65534) to discover its network number:

Ether0: AppleTalk state changed; restarting -> probing

The following message indicates that the router is enabled as a nonrouting node using a provisional network number within its startup range of network numbers. This type of message only appears if the network address the router will use differs from its configured address. This is always the case for a discovery-enabled router; it is rarely the case for a nondiscovery-enabled router.

%AT-6-ADDRUSED: Ether0: AppleTalk node up; using address 65401.148

The following messages indicate that the router is sending out GetNetInfo requests to discover the default zone name and the actual network number range in which its network number can be chosen:

Ether0: AppleTalk state changed; probing -> acquiring
%AT-6-ACQUIREMODE: Ether0: AT port initializing; acquiring net configuration

Now that the router has acquired the cable configuration information, the following message indicates that it restarts using that information:

Ether0: AppleTalk state changed; acquiring -> restarting

The following messages indicate that the router is probing for its actual network address:

Ether0: AppleTalk state changed; restarting -> line down
Ether0: AppleTalk state changed; line down -> restarting
Ether0: AppleTalk state changed; restarting -> probing

The following message indicates that the router has found an actual network address to use:

%AT-6-ADDRUSED: Ether0: AppleTalk node up; using address 4160.148

The following messages indicate that the router is sending out GetNetInfo requests to verify the default zone name and the actual network number range from which its network number can be chosen:

Ether0: AppleTalk state changed; probing -> acquiring
%AT-6-ACQUIREMODE: Ether0: AT port initializing; acquiring net configuration

The following message indicates that the router is requesting the list of zones for its cable:

Ether0: AppleTalk state changed; acquiring -> requesting zones

The following messages indicate that the router is sending out GetNetInfo requests to make sure its understanding of the configuration is correct:

Ether0: AppleTalk state changed; requesting zones -> verifying
AT: Sent GetNetInfo request broadcast on Ethernet0

The following message indicates that the router is rechecking its list of zones for its cable:

Ether0: AppleTalk state changed; verifying -> checking zones

The following message indicates that the router is now fully operational as a routing node and can begin routing:

Ether0: AppleTalk state changed; checking zones -> operational

Figure 2-7 shows sample debug apple events output that describes a nondiscovery-enabled router coming up when no other router is on the wire.

Figure 2-7: Sample Debug Apple Events Output Showing Seed Coming Up by Itself

As Figure 2-7 shows, a nondiscovery-enabled router can come up when no other router is on the wire; however, it must assume that its configuration (if accurate syntactically) is correct, because no other router can verify it. Notice that the last line in Figure 2-7 indicates this situation.

Figure 2-8 shows sample debug apple events output that describes a discovery-enabled router coming up when there is no seed router on the wire.

Figure 2-8: Debug Apple Events Output Showing Nonseed with No Seed
router# debug apple events
Ether0: AT: Resetting interface address filters
%AT-5-INTRESTART: Ether0: AppleTalk port restarting; protocol restarted
Ether0: AppleTalk state changed; unknown -> restarting
Ether0: AppleTalk state changed; restarting -> probing
%AT-6-ADDRUSED: Ether0: AppleTalk node up; using address 65401.148
Ether0: AppleTalk state changed; probing -> acquiring
AT: Sent GetNetInfo request broadcast on Ether0
AT: Sent GetNetInfo request broadcast on Ether0
AT: Sent GetNetInfo request broadcast on Ether0
AT: Sent GetNetInfo request broadcast on Ether0
AT: Sent GetNetInfo request broadcast on Ether0

As Figure 2-8 shows, when you attempt to bring up a nonseed router without a seed router on the wire, it never becomes operational; instead, it hangs in the acquiring mode and continues to send out periodic GetNetInfo requests.

Figure 2-9 shows sample debug apple events output when a nondiscovery-enabled router is brought up on an AppleTalk internetwork that is in compatibility mode (set up to accommodate extended as well as nonextended AppleTalk) and the router has violated internetwork compatibility.

Figure 2-9: Sample Debug Apple Events Output Showing Compatibility Conflict

The three configuration command lines that follow indicate the part of the router's configuration that caused the configuration mismatch shown in Figure 2-9:

lestat(config)#int e 0
lestat(config-if)#apple cab 41-41
lestat(config-if)#apple zone Marketign

The router shown in Figure 2-9 had been configured with a cable range of 41-41 instead of 40-40, which would have been accurate. Additionally, the zone name was configured incorrectly; it should have been "Marketing," rather than being misspelled as "Marketign."

debug apple nbp

Use the debug apple nbp EXEC command to display debugging output from the Name Binding Protocol (NBP) routines. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug apple nbp [type number]
no debug apple nbp
[type number]
Syntax Description
type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

To determine whether the router is receiving NBP lookups from a node on the AppleTalk network, enable debug apple nbp at each node between the router and the node in question to determine where the problem lies.

Note Because the debug apple nbp command can generate many messages, use it only when the router's CPU utilization is less than 50 percent.
Sample Display

Figure 2-10 shows sample debug apple nbp output.

Figure 2-10:  Sample Debug Apple NBP Output
router# debug apple nbp
AT: NBP ctrl = LkUp, ntuples = 1, id = 77
AT: 4160.19, skt 2, enum 0, name: =:ciscoRouter@Low End SW Lab
AT: LkUp =:ciscoRouter@Low End SW Lab
AT: NBP ctrl = LkUp-Reply, ntuples = 1, id = 77
AT: 4160.154, skt 254, enum 1, name: lestat.Ether0:ciscoRouter@Low End SW Lab
AT: NBP ctrl = LkUp, ntuples = 1, id = 78
AT: 4160.19, skt 2, enum 0, name: =:IPADDRESS@Low End SW Lab
AT: NBP ctrl = LkUp, ntuples = 1, id = 79
AT: 4160.19, skt 2, enum 0, name: =:IPGATEWAY@Low End SW Lab
AT: NBP ctrl = LkUp, ntuples = 1, id = 83
AT: 4160.19, skt 2, enum 0, name: =:ciscoRouter@Low End SW Lab
AT: LkUp =:ciscoRouter@Low End SW Lab
AT: NBP ctrl = LkUp, ntuples = 1, id = 84
AT: 4160.19, skt 2, enum 0, name: =:IPADDRESS@Low End SW Lab
AT: NBP ctrl = LkUp, ntuples = 1, id = 85
AT: 4160.19, skt 2, enum 0, name: =:IPGATEWAY@Low End SW Lab
AT: NBP ctrl = LkUp, ntuples = 1, id = 85
AT: 4160.19, skt 2, enum 0, name: =:IPGATEWAY@Low End SW Lab

The first three lines in Figure 2-10 describe an NBP lookup request:

AT: NBP ctrl = LkUp, ntuples = 1, id = 77
AT: 4160.19, skt 2, enum 0, name: =:ciscoRouter@Low End SW Lab
AT: LkUp =:ciscoRouter@Low End SW Lab

Table 2-2 describes the fields in the first line of output shown in Figure 2-10.

Table  2-2: Debug Apple NBP Field Descriptions--Part 1
Field Description
AT: NBP Indicates that this message describes an AppleTalk NBP packet.
ctrl = LkUp Identifies the type of NBP packet. Possible values include

LkUp--NBP lookup request.

LkUp-Reply--NBP lookup reply.

ntuples = 1 Indicates the number of name-address pairs in the lookup request packet. Range: 1-31 tuples.
id = 77 Identifies an NBP lookup request value.

Table 2-3 describes the fields in the second line of output shown in Figure 2-10.

Table  2-3: Debug Apple NBP Field Descriptions--Part 2
Field Description
AT: Indicates that this message describes an AppleTalk packet.
4160.19 Indicates the network address of the requester.
skt 2 Indicates the internet socket address of the requester. The responder will send the NBP lookup reply to this socket address.
enum 0 Indicates the enumerator field. Used to identify multiple names registered on a single socket. Each tuple is assigned its own enumerator, incrementing from 0 for the first tuple.
name: =:ciscoRouter@Low End SW Lab Indicates the entity name for which a network address has been requested. The AppleTalk entity name includes three components:

Object (in this case, a wildcard character (=), indicating that the requester is requesting name-address pairs for all objects of the specified type in the specified zone)

Type (in this case, ciscoRouter)

Zone (in this case, Low End SW Lab)

The third line in Figure 2-10 essentially reiterates the information in the two lines above it, indicating that a lookup request has been made regarding name-address pairs for all objects of the ciscoRouter type in the Low End SW Lab zone.

Because the router is defined as an object of type ciscoRouter in zone Low End SW Lab, the router sends an NBP lookup reply in response to this NBP lookup request. The following two lines of output from Figure 2-10 show the router's response:

AT: NBP ctrl = LkUp-Reply, ntuples = 1, id = 77
AT: 4160.154, skt 254, enum 1, name: lestat.Ether0:ciscoRouter@Low End SW Lab

In the first line, ctrl = LkUp-Reply identifies this NBP packet as an NBP lookup request. The same value in the id field (id = 77) associates this lookup reply with the previous lookup request. The second line indicates that the network address associated with the router's entity name (lestat.Ether0:ciscoRouter@Low End SW Lab) is 4160.154. The fact that no other entity name/network address is listed indicates that the responder only knows about itself as an object of type ciscoRouter in zone Low End SW Lab.

debug apple packet

Use the debug apple packet EXEC command to display per-packet debugging output. The output reports information online when a packet is received or a transmit is attempted. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug apple packet [type number]
no debug apple packet [
type number]
Syntax Description
type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

With this command, you can monitor the types of packets being slow switched. It displays at least one line of debugging output per AppleTalk packet processed.

When invoked in conjunction with the debug apple routing, debug apple zip, and debug apple nbp commands, the debug apple packet command adds protocol processing information in addition to generic packet details. It also reports successful completion or failure information.

When invoked in conjunction with the debug apple errors command, the debug apple packet command reports packet-level problems, such as those concerning encapsulation.

Note Because the debug apple packet command can generate many messages, use it only when the router's CPU utilization is less than 50 percent.
Sample Display

Figure 2-11 shows sample debug apple packet output.

Figure 2-11: Sample Debug Apple Packet Output
router# debug apple packet
Ether0: AppleTalk packet: enctype SNAP, size 60, encaps000000000000000000000000
AT: src=Ethernet0:4160.47, dst=4160-4160, size=10, 2 rtes, RTMP pkt sent
AT: ZIP Extended reply rcvd from 4160.19
AT: ZIP Extended reply rcvd from 4160.19
AT: src=Ethernet0:4160.47, dst=4160-4160, size=10, 2 rtes, RTMP pkt sent
Ether0: AppleTalk packet: enctype SNAP, size 60, encaps000000000000000000000000
Ether0: AppleTalk packet: enctype SNAP, size 60, encaps000000000000000000000000

Table 2-4 describes the fields in the first line of output shown in Figure 2-11.

Table  2-4: Debug Apple Packet Field Descriptions--Part 1
Field Description
Ether0: Name of the interface through which the router received the packet
AppleTalk packet Indication that this is an AppleTalk packet
enctype SNAP Encapsulation type for the packet
size 60 Size of the packet (in bytes)
encaps000000000000000000000000 Encapsulation

Table 2-5 describes the fields in the second line of output shown in Figure 2-11.

Table  2-5: Debug Apple Packet Field Descriptions--Part 2
Field Description
AT: Indication that this is an AppleTalk packet
src = Ethernet0:4160.47 Name of the interface sending the packet and its AppleTalk address
dst = 4160-4160 Cable range of the packet's destination
size = 10 Size of the packet (in bytes)
2 rtes Indication that two routes in the routing table link these two addresses
RTMP pkt sent The type of packet sent

The third line in Figure 2-11 indicates the type of packet received and its source AppleTalk address. This message is repeated in the fourth line because AppleTalk hosts can send multiple replies to a given GetNetInfo request.

debug apple remap

Use the debug apple remap EXEC command to enable debugging of the AppleTalk remap activities. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug apple remap
no debug apple remap
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Use the debug apple remap command with the debug apple domain command to observe activity between domains and subdomains. Messages from debug apple remap are displayed when a particular remapping function occurs, such as creating remaps or deleting remaps.

Sample Display

Figure 2-12 shows sample debug apple remap output intermixed with output from the debug apple domain command; the two commands show related events.

Figure 2-12: Sample Debug Output
router# debug apple remap
router# debug apple domain
AT-REMAP: RemapProcess for net 30000 domain AURP Domain 1
AT-REMAP: ReshuffleRemapList for subdomain 1 
AT-REMAP:  Could not find a remap for cable 3000-3001
AT-DOMAIN: atdomain_DisablePort for Tunnel0
AT-DOMAIN: CleanUpDomain for domain 1 [AURP Domain 1]
AT-DOMAIN: Disabling interface Ethernet1 
AT-DOMAIN: atdomain_DisablePort for Ethernet1
AT-DOMAIN: CleanUpDomain for domain 1 [AURP Domain 1]
AT-DOMAIN: CleanSubDomain for inbound subdomain 1 
AT-REMAP: Remap for net 70 inbound subdomain 1 has been deleted
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteAvRemapList for inbound subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteRemapTable for subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteAvRemapList for inbound subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: CleanSubDomain for outbound subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteRemapTable for subdomain 1 
AT-REMAP: RemapProcess for net 30000 domain AURP Domain 1 Remaped Net 10000
AT-REMAP: Remap for net 50 outbound subdomain 1 has been deleted
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteAvRemapList for outbound subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteAvRemapList for outbound subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: CleanUpDomain for domain 1 [AURP Domain 1]
AT-DOMAIN: CleanSubDomain for inbound subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteRemapTable for subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteAvRemapList for inbound subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: CleanSubDomain for outbound subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteRemapTable for subdomain 1 
AT-DOMAIN: DeleteAvRemapList for outbound subdomain 1 
Related Command

debug apple domain

debug apple routing

Use the debug apple routing EXEC command to enable debugging output from the Routing Table Maintenance Protocol (RTMP) routines. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug apple routing [type number]
no debug apple routing [
type number]
Syntax Description
type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command can be used to monitor acquisition of routes, aging of routing table entries, and advertisement of known routes. It also reports conflicting network numbers on the same network if the network is misconfigured.

Note Because the debug apple routing command can generate many messages, use it only when router CPU utilization is less than 50 percent.
Sample Display

Figure 2-13 shows sample debug apple routing output.

Figure 2-13: Sample Debug Apple Routing Output
router# debug apple routing
AT: src=Ethernet0:4160.41, dst=4160-4160, size=19, 2 rtes, RTMP pkt sent
AT: src=Ethernet1:41069.25, dst=41069, size=427, 96 rtes, RTMP pkt sent
AT: src=Ethernet2:4161.23, dst=4161-4161, size=427, 96 rtes, RTMP pkt sent
AT: Route ager starting (97 routes)
AT: Route ager finished (97 routes)
AT: RTMP from 4160.19 (new 0,old 94,bad 0,ign 0, dwn 0)
AT: RTMP from 4160.250 (new 0,old 0,bad 0,ign 2, dwn 0)
AT: RTMP from 4161.236 (new 0,old 94,bad 0,ign 1, dwn 0)
AT: src=Ethernet0:4160.41, dst=4160-4160, size=19, 2 rtes, RTMP pkt sent

Explanations for representative lines of the debug apple routing output in Figure 2-13 follow.

Table 2-6 describes the fields in the first line of sample debug apple routing output.

Table  2-6: Debug Apple Routing Field Descriptions--Part 1
Field Description
AT: Indicates that this is AppleTalk debugging output
src = Ethernet0:4160.41 Indicates the source router interface and network address for the RTMP update packet
dst = 4160-4160 Indicates the destination network address for the RTMP update packet
size = 19 Shows the size of this RTMP packet (in bytes)
2 rtes Indicates that this RTMP update packet includes information on two routes
RTMP pkt sent Indicates that this type of message describes an RTMP update packet that the router has sent (rather than one that it has received)

The following two messages indicate that the ager has started and finished the aging process for the routing table and that this table contains 97 entries.

AT: Route ager starting (97 routes)
AT: Route ager finished (97 routes)

Table 2-7 describes the fields in the following line of debug apple routing output.

AT: RTMP from 4160.19 (new 0,old 94,bad 0,ign 0, dwn 0)

Table  2-7: Debug Apple Routing Field Descriptions--Part 2
Field Description
AT: Indicates that this is AppleTalk debugging output
RTMP from 4160.19 Indicates the source address of the RTMP update the router received
new 0 Shows the number of routes in this RTMP update packet that the router did not already know about
old 94 Shows the number of routes in this RTMP update packet that the router already knew about
bad 0 Shows the number of routes the other router indicates have gone bad
ign 0 Shows the number of routes the other router ignores
dwn 0 Shows the number of poisoned tuples included in this packet

debug apple zip

Use the debug apple zip EXEC command to display debugging output from the Zone Information Protocol (ZIP) routines. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug apple zip [type number]
no debug apple zip [
type number]
Syntax Description
type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command reports significant events such as the discovery of new zones and zone list queries. It generates information similar to that generated by debug apple routing, but generates it for ZIP packets instead of RTMP packets.

You can use he debug apple zip command to determine whether a ZIP storm is taking place in the AppleTalk network. You can detect the existence of a ZIP storm when you see that no router on a cable has the zone name corresponding to a network number that all the routers have in their routing tables.

Sample Display

Figure 2-14 shows sample debug apple zip output.

Figure 2-14: Sample Debug Apple ZIP Output
router# debug apple zip
AT: Sent GetNetInfo request broadcast on Ether0
AT: Recvd ZIP cmd 6 from 4160.19-6
AT: 3 query packets sent to neighbor 4160.19
AT: 1 zones for 31902, ZIP XReply, src 4160.19
AT: net 31902, zonelen 10, name US-Florida

Explanations of the lines of output shown in Figure 2-14 follow.

The first line indicates that the router has received an RTMP update that includes a new network number and is now requesting zone information:

AT: Sent GetNetInfo request broadcast on Ether0

The second line indicates that the neighbor at address 4160.19 replies to the zone request with a default zone:

AT: Recvd ZIP cmd 6 from 4160.19-6

The third line indicates that the router responds with three queries to the neighbor at network address 4160.19 for other zones on the network:

AT: 3 query packets sent to neighbor 4160.19

The fourth line indicates that the neighbor at network address 4160.19 responds with a ZIP extended reply, indicating that one zone has been assigned to network 31902:

AT: 1 zones for 31902, ZIP XReply, src 4160.19

The fifth line indicates that the router responds that the zone name of network 31902 is US-Florida, and the zone length of that zone name is 10:

AT: net 31902, zonelen 10, name US-Florida

debug appn all

Use the debug appn all command to turn on all possible debugging messages for Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN). The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug appn all
no debug appn all
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Note Refer to the other forms of the debug appn command to enable specific debug output selectively.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command shows all APPN events. Use other forms of the debug appn command to display specific types of events.

Note Because the debug appn all command can generate many messages and alter timing in the network node, use it only when instructed by authorized support personnel.
Caution  Debugging output takes priority over other network traffic. The debug appn all command generates more output than any other debug appn command and can alter timing in the network node. This command can severely diminish router performance or even render it unusable. In virtually all cases, it is best to use specific debug appn commands.
Related Commands

debug appn cs
debug appn dlur
debug appn ds
debug appn ms
debug appn nof
debug appn pc
debug appn ps
debug appn scm
debug appn ss
debug appn trs

debug appn cs

Use the debug appn cs command to display APPN Configuration Services (CS) component activity. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug appn cs
no debug appn cs
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The Configuration Services (CS) component is responsible for defining link stations, ports, and connection networks. It is responsible for the activation and deactivation of ports and link stations and handles status queries for these resources.

Sample Display

Figure 2-15 shows sample debug appn cs output. In this example a link station is being stopped.

Figure 2-15: Sample Debug APPN CS Output
router# debug appn cs
Turned on event 008000FF
router# appn stop link PATTY
APPN: ----- CS  ----- Deq STOP_LS message
APPN: ----- CS  ----- FSM LS: 75 17 5  8 
APPN: ----- CS  ----- Sending DEACTIVATE_AS - station PATTY
APPN: ----- CS  ----- deactivate_as_p->ips_header.lpid = A80A60
APPN: ----- CS  ----- deactivate_as_p->ips_header.lpid = A80A60
APPN: ----- CS  ----- Sending DESTROY_TG to PC - station PATTY - lpid=A80A60
APPN: ----- CS  ----- Deq DESTROY_TG - station PATTY
APPN: ----- CS  ----- FSM LS: 22 27 8  0 
APPN: ----- CS ----- Sending TG update for LS PATTY to TRS
%APPN-6-APPNSENDMSG: Link Station PATTY stopped

Table 2-8 shows describes the fields and messages shown in Figure 2-15.

Table  2-8: Debug APPN CS Field Descriptions
Field Description


APPN debugging output.

CS Configuration Services component output.
Deq CS received a message from another component.
FSM LS The link station finite state machine is being referenced.
Sending CS is sending a message to another component.
Related Commands

debug appn all
debug appn dlur
debug appn ds
debug appn ms
debug appn nof
debug appn pc
debug appn ps
debug appn scm
debug appn ss
debug appn trs

debug appn ds

Use the debug appn ds command to to display debugging information on APPN Directory Services (DS) component activity. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug appn ds
no debug appn ds
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The Directory Services (DS) component manages searches for resources in the APPN network. DS is also responsible for registration of resources within the network.

Sample Display

Figure 2-16 shows sample debug appn ds output. In this example a search has been received.

Figure 2-16: Sample Debug APPN DS Output
router# debug appn ds
Turned on event 080000FF
APPN: NEWDS: LS: search from: NETA.PATTY
APPN: NEWDS: pcid: DD3321E8B5667111
APPN: NEWDS: Invoking FSM NNSolu
APPN: NEWDS: LSfsm_NNSolu: 00A67AA0 pcid: DD3321E8B5667111 row: 0 col: 0 inp: 80200000
APPN: NEWDS: LSfsm_parent: 00A89940 row: 0 col: 0 inp: 80000000
APPN: NEWDS: LSfsm_NNSolu: 00A67AA0 pcid: DD3321E8B5667111 row: 12 col: 1 inp: 40000000
APPN: NEWDS: LSfsm_parent: 00A89940 row: 8 col: 1 inp: 40000000
APPN: NEWDS: LSfsm_child: 00A89BE8 row: 0 col: 0 inp: 80000080
APPN: NEWDS: LSfsm_child: 00A8A1C0 row: 1 col: 0 inp: 80000008
APPN: NEWDS: LSfsm_NNSolu: 00A67AA0 pcid: DD3321E8B5667111 row: 5 col: 1 inp: 80C04000
APPN: NEWDS: LSfsm_child: 00A8A1C0 row: 7 col: 1 inp: 80844008
APPN: NEWDS: LSfsm_NNSolu: 00A67AA0 pcid: DD3321E8B5667111 row: 16 col: 6 inp: 40800000
APPN: NEWDS: LSfsm_child: 00A8A1C0 row: 14 col: 5 inp: 40800000
APPN: NEWDS: LSfsm_parent: 00A89940 row: 3 col: 1 inp: 80840000
APPN: NEWDS: send locate to node: NETA.PATTY

Table 2-9 provides explanations for fields in the debug appn ds output shown in Figure 2-16.

Table  2-9: Debug APPN DS Field Descriptions
Field Description


APPN debugging output.


Directory Services component output.

search from

A locate was received from NETA.PATTY.


The Locate Search finite state machine is being referenced.


A message was sent to another component.


A message was received from another component.

send locate A locate will be sent to NETA.PATTY.
Related Commands

debug appn all
debug appn cs
debug appn dlur
debug appn ms
debug appn nof
debug appn pc
debug appn ps
debug appn scm
debug appn ss
debug appn trs

debug appn ms

Use the debug appn ms command to display to display debugging information on APPN Management Services (MS) component activity. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug appn ms
no debug appn ms
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The Management Services (MS) component is responsible for generating, sending, and forwarding network management information in the form of traps and alerts to a network management focal point, such as Netview, in the APPN network.

Sample Display

Figure 2-17 shows sample debug appn ms output. In this example an error occurred that caused an alert to be generated.

Figure 2-17: Sample Debug APPN MS Output
router# debug appn ms
APPN: ----- MSS00 ----  Deq ALERT_MSU msg
APPN: --- MSCPL --- Find Active FP
APPN: --- MSP30 --- Entering Build MS Transport
APPN: --- MSP31 --- Entering Building Routing Info.
APPN: --- MSP34 --- Entering Build GDS
APPN: --- MSP32 --- Entering Building UOW correlator
APPN: --- MSP34 --- Entering Build GDS
APPN: --- MSP30 --- Building GDS 0x1310
APPN: --- MSP30 --- Building MS Transport
APPN: --- MSUTL --- UOW <= 60, ALL COPIED in extract_uow
APPN: --- MSCAT --- by enq_cached_ms QUEUE SIZE OF QUEUE after enq 4

Table 2-10 describes fields in the debug appn ms output shown in Figure 2-17.

Table  2-10: Debug APPN MS Output Field Descriptions
Field Description
APPN Indicates that this is APPN debugging output.
MSP Indicates that this is MS component output.
Related Commands

debug appn all
debug appn cs
debug appn dlur
debug appn ds
debug appn nof
debug appn pc
debug appn ps
debug appn scm
debug appn ss
debug appn trs

debug appn nof

Use the debug appn nof command to display debugging information on APPN Node Operator Facility (NOF) component activity. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug appn nof
no debug appn nof
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The Node Operator Facility (NOF) component is responsible for processing commands entered by the user such as start, stop, show, and configuration commmands. NOF forwards these commands to the proper component and wait for the response.

Sample Display

Figure 2-18 shows sample debug appn nof output. In this example an APPN connection network is being defined.

Figure 2-18: Sample Debug APPN NOF Output
router# debug appn nof
Turned on event 010000FF
router# config term
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
router(config)#appn connection-network NETA.CISCO
router(config-appn-cn)#port TR0
APPN: ----- NOF ----- Define Connection Network Verb Received
APPN: ----- NOF ----- send define_cn_t ips to cs   
APPN: ----- NOF ----- waiting for define_cn rsp from cs   

Table 2-11 describes fields in the debug appn nof output shown in Figure 2-18.

Table  2-11: Debug APPN NOF Field Descriptions
Field Description
APPN APPN debugging output.
NOF NOF component output.
Received A configuration command was entered.
send A message was sent to CS.
waiting A response was expected from CS.
Related Commands

debug appn all
debug appn cs
debug appn dlur
debug appn ds
debug appn ms
debug appn pc
debug appn ps
debug appn scm
debug appn ss
debug appn trs

debug appn pc

Use the debug appn pc command to display debugging information on APPN Path Control (PC) component activity. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug appn pc
no debug appn pc
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The Path Control (PC) component is responsible for passing Message Units (MUs) between the Data Link Control (DLC) layer and other APPN components. PC implements transmission priority by passing higher priority MUs to the DLC before lower priority MUs.

Sample Display

Figure 2-19 shows sample debug appn pc output. In this example a MU is received from the network.

Figure 2-19: Sample Debug APPN PC Output
router# debug appn pc
Turned on event 040000FF
APPN: ----- PC ----- PC Deq REMOTE msg variant_name 2251
APPN: --PC-- mu received to PC lpid: A80AEC
APPN: --PC-- mu received from p_cep_id: 67C6F8
APPN: ----- PC ----- PC Deq LSA_IPS from DLC
APPN: --PCX dequeued a DATA.IND
APPN: --- PC processing DL_DATA.ind 
APPN: --PC-- mu_error_checker with no error, calling frr
APPN: --PC-- calling frr for packet received on LFSID: 1 2 3
APPN: ----- PC ----- PC is sending MU to SC A90396
APPN: ----- SC ----- send mu: A90396, rpc: 0, nws: 7, rh.b1: 90
APPN: SC: Send mu.snf: 8, th.b0: 2E, rh.b1: 90, dcf: 8

Table 2-12 describes fields in the debug appn pc output shown in Figure 2-19.

Table  2-12: Debug APPN PC Field Descriptions
Field Description
APPN APPN debugging output.
PC PC component output.
Deq REMOTE A message was received from the network.
mu received The message is a MU.
DATA.IND The MU contains data.
sending MU The MU is session traffic for an ISR session. The MU is forwarded to the Session Connector component for routing.
Related Commands

debug appn all
debug appn cs
debug appn dlur
debug appn ds
debug appn ms
debug appn nof
debug appn pc
debug appn ps
debug appn scm
debug appn ss
debug appn trs

debug appn ps

Use the debug appn ps command to display debugging information on APPN Presentation Services (PS) component activity. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug appn ps
no debug appn ps
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The Presentation Services (PS) component is responsible for managing the Transaction Programs (TPs) used by APPN. TPs are used for sending and receiving searches, receiving resource registration, and sending and receiving topology updates.

Sample Display

Figure 2-20 shows sample debug appn ps output. In this example a CP capabilities exchange is in progress.

Figure 2-20: Sample Debug APPN PS Output
router# debug appn ps
Turned on event 200000FF
APPN: ---- CCA --- CP_CAPABILITIES_TP has started
APPN: ---- CCA --- About to wait for Partner to send CP_CAP
APPN: ---- CCA --- Partner LU name: NETA.PATTY
APPN: ---- CCA --- Mode Name: CPSVCMG
APPN: ---- CCA --- CGID: 78
APPN: ---- CCA --- About to send cp_cp_session_act to SS
APPN: ---- CCA --- Waiting for cp_cp_session_act_rsp from SS
APPN: ---- CCA --- Received cp_cp_session_act_rsp from SS
APPN: ---- CCA --- About to send CP_CAP to partner
APPN: ---- CCA --- Send to partner completed with rc=0, 0
APPN: ---- RCA --- Allocating conversation
APPN: ---- RCA --- Getting conversation attributes
APPN: ---- RCA --- Waiting for partner to send CP_CAPABILITIES
APPN: ---- RCA --- Normal processing complete with cgid = 82
APPN: ---- RCA --- Deallocating CP_Capabilities conversation

Table 2-13 describes fields in the debug appn ps output shown in Figure 2-20.

Table  2-13: Debug APPN PS Field Descriptions
Field Description
APPN APPN debugging output.
CCA CP Capabilities TP output.
RCA Receive CP Capabilities TP output.
Related Commands

debug appn all
debug appn cs
debug appn dlur
debug appn ds
debug appn ms
debug appn nof
debug appn pc
debug appn scm
debug appn ss
debug appn trs

debug appn scm

Use the debug appn scm command to display debugging information on APPN Session Connector Manager (SCM) component activity. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug appn scm
no debug appn scm
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The Session Connector Manager (SCM) component is responsible for the activation and deactivation the local resources that route an intermediate session through the router.

Sample Display

Figure 2-21 shows sample debug appn scm output. In this example an intermediate session traffic is being routed.

Figure 2-21: Sample Debug APPN SCM Output
router# debug appn scm 
Turned on event 020000FF
APPN: ----- SCM ----- SCM Deq a MU
APPN: ----- SCM ----- SCM send ISR_INIT to SSI
APPN: ----- SCM ----- (i05) Enter compare_fqpcid()
APPN: ----- SCM ----- Adding new session_info table entry. addr=A93160
APPN: ----- SCM ----- SCM Deq ISR_CINIT message
APPN: ----- SCM ----- (i05) Enter compare_fqpcid()
APPN: ----- SCM ----- SCM sends ASSIGN_LFSID to ASM
APPN: ----- SCM ----- SCM Rcvd sync ASSIGN_LFSID from ASM
APPN: ----- SCM ----- SCM PQenq a MU to ASM
APPN: ----- SCM ----- SCM Deq a MU
APPN: ----- SCM ----- (i05) Enter compare_fqpcid()
APPN: ----- SCM ----- SCM PQenq BIND rsp to ASM

Table 2-14 describes fields in the debug appn ps output shown in Figure 2-21.

Table  2-14: Debug APPN SCM Field Descriptions
Field Description
APPN APPN debugging output.
SCM SCM component output.
Related Commands

debug appn all
debug appn cs
debug appn dlur
debug appn ds
debug appn ms
debug appn nof
debug appn pc
debug appn ps
debug appn ss
debug appn trs

debug appn ss

Use the debug appn ss command to display session services events. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug appn ss
no debug appn ss
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The Session Services (SS) component generates unique session identifiers, activates and deactivates control point-to-control point (CP-CP) sessions, and assists LUs in initiating and activating LU-LU sessions.

Sample Display

Figure 2-22 shows sample debug appn ss output. In this example CP-CP sessions between the router and another node are being activated.

Figure 2-22: Sample Debug APPN SS Output
router# debug appn ss 
Turned on event 100000FF
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Deq ADJACENT_CP_CONTACTED message
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Deq SESSST_SIGNAL message
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Deq CP_CP_SESSION_ACT message
APPN: Sending ADJACENT_NN_1015 to SCM, adj_node_p=A6B980,cp_name=NETA.PATTY        
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Sending REQUEST_LAST_FRSN message to TRS
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Receiving REQUEST_LAST_FRSN_RSP from TRS
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Sending ACTIVE CP_STATUS CONLOSER message to DS
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Sending ACTIVE CP_STATUS CONLOSER message to MS
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Sending ACTIVE CP_STATUS CONLOSER message to TRS
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Sending CP_CP_SESSION_ACT_RSP message to CCA TP
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Sending PENDING_ACTIVE CP_STATUS CONWINNER message to DS
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Sending REQUEST_LAST_FRSN message to TRS
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Receiving REQUEST_LAST_FRSN_RSP from TRS
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Sending ACT_CP_CP_SESSION message to RCA TP
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Deq ASSIGN_PCID message
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Sending ASSIGN_PCID_RSP message to someone
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Deq INIT_SIGNAL message
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Sending REQUEST_COS_TPF_VECTOR message to TRS
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Receiving an REQUEST_COS_TPF_VECTOR_RSP from TRS
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Sending REQUEST_SINGLE_HOP_ROUTE message to TRS
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Receiving an REQUEST_SINGLE_HOP_ROUTE_RSP from TRS
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Sending ACTIVATE_ROUTE message to CS
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Deq ACTIVATE_ROUTE_RSP message
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Sending CINIT_SIGNAL message to SM
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Deq ACT_CP_CP_SESSION_RSP message
APPN: -- SS -- SS ssp00, act_cp_cp_session_rsp received, sense_code=0, cgid=5C, ips@=A93790
APPN: Sending ADJACENT_NN_1015 to SCM, adj_node_p=A6B980,cp_name=18s
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Sending ACTIVE CP_STATUS CONWINNER message to DS
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Sending ACTIVE CP_STATUS CONWINNER message to MS
APPN: ----- SS  ----- Sending ACTIVE CP_STATUS CONWINNER message to TRS

Table 2-15 describes fields in the debug appn ssoutput shown in Figure 2-22.

Table  2-15: Debug APPN SS Field Descriptions
Field Description
APPN APPN debugging output.
SS SS component output.
Related Commands

debug appn all
debug appn cs
debug appn dlur
debug appn ds
debug appn ms
debug appn nof
debug appn pc
debug appn ps
debug appn scm
debug appn trs

debug appn trs

Use the debug appn trs command to display debugging information on APPN Topology and Routing Services (TRS) component activity. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug appn trs
no debug appn trs
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The Topology and Routing Services (TRS) component is responsible for creating and maintaining the topology database, creating and maintaining the class of service database, and computing and caching optimal routes through the network.

Sample Display

Figure 2-23 shows sample debug appn trs output.

Figure 2-23: Sample Debug APPN TRS Output
router# debug appn trs 
Turned on event 400000FF
APPN: ----- TRS ----- Received a QUERY_CPNAME
APPN: ----- TRS ----- Received a REQUEST_ROUTE
APPN: ----- TRS ----- check_node node_name=NETA.LISA
APPN: ----- TRS ----- check_node node_index=0
APPN: ----- TRS ----- check_node node_weight=60
APPN: ----- TRS ----- add index 484 to origin description list
APPN: ----- TRS ----- add index 0 to dest description list
APPN: ----- TRS ----- origin tg_vector is NULL
APPN: ----- TRS ----- weight_to_origin = 0
APPN: ----- TRS ----- weight_to_dest = 0
APPN: ----- TRS ----- u_b_s_f weight = 30
APPN: ----- TRS ----- u_b_s_f prev_weight = 2147483647
APPN: ----- TRS ----- u_b_s_f origin_index = 484
APPN: ----- TRS ----- u_b_s_f dest_index = 0
APPN: ----- TRS ----- b_r_s_f weight = 30
APPN: ----- TRS ----- b_r_s_f origin_index = 484
APPN: ----- TRS ----- b_r_s_f dest_index = 0
APPN: ----- TRS ----- Received a REQUEST_ROUTE
APPN: ----- TRS ----- check_node node_name=NETA.LISA
APPN: ----- TRS ----- check_node node_index=0
APPN: ----- TRS ----- check_node node_weight=60
APPN: ----- TRS ----- check_node node_name=NETA.BART
APPN: ----- TRS ----- check_node node_index=484
APPN: ----- TRS ----- check_node node_weight=60
APPN: ----- TRS ----- add index 484 to origin description list
APPN: ----- TRS ----- add index 0 to dest description list
APPN: ----- TRS ----- origin_tg_weight to non-VN=30
APPN: ----- TRS ----- origin_node_weight to non-VN=60
APPN: ----- TRS ----- weight_to_origin = 90
APPN: ----- TRS ----- weight_to_dest = 0
APPN: ----- TRS ----- u_b_s_f weight = 120
APPN: ----- TRS ----- u_b_s_f prev_weight = 2147483647
APPN: ----- TRS ----- u_b_s_f origin_index = 484
APPN: ----- TRS ----- u_b_s_f dest_index = 0
APPN: ----- TRS ----- b_r_s_f weight = 120
APPN: ----- TRS ----- b_r_s_f origin_index = 484
APPN: ----- TRS ----- b_r_s_f dest_index = 0

Table 2-16 describes fields in the debug appn trs output shown in Figure 2-23.

Table  2-16: Debug APPN TRS Field Descriptions
Field Description
APPN APPN debugging output.
TRS TRS component output.
Related Commands

debug appn all
debug appn cs
debug appn dlur
debug appn ds
debug appn ms
debug appn nof
debug appn pc
debug appn ps
debug appn scm
debug appn ss

debug arap

Use the debug arap command to display AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol (ARAP) events. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug arap [internal]
no debug arap
Syntax Description
internal (Optional) Limits display to internal ARAP events.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Use the debug arap command with the debug callback command on access servers to debug dial-in and callback events.

Sample Display

Figure 2-24 shows sample debug arap output.

Figure 2-24: Sample Debug ARAP Output
router# debug arap internal
ARAP: ---------- SRVRVERSION ----------
ARAP: ---------- ACKing 0 ----------
ARAP: ---------- AUTH_CHALLENGE ----------
arapsec_local_account setting up callback
ARAP: ---------- ACKing 1 ----------
ARAP: ---------- AUTH_RESPONSE ----------
arap_startup initiating callback ARAP 2.0
ARAP: ---------- CALLBACK ----------
TTY7 Callback process initiated, user: dialback dialstring 40
TTY7 Callback forced wait = 4 seconds
TTY7 ARAP Callback Successful - await exec/autoselect pickup
TTY7: Callback in effect
ARAP: ---------- STARTINFOFROMSERVER ----------
ARAP: ---------- ACKing 0 ----------
ARAP: ---------- ZONELISTINFO ----------
ARAP: ---------- ZONELISTINFO ----------
ARAP: ---------- ZONELISTINFO ----------
ARAP: ---------- ZONELISTINFO ----------
ARAP: ---------- ZONELISTINFO ----------

The displayed information self-explanatory.

Related Command

debug callback

debug arp

Use the debug arp EXEC command to display information on Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) transactions. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug arp
no debug arp
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Use this command when some nodes on a TCP/IP network are responding, but others are not. It shows whether the router is sending ARPs and whether it is receiving ARPs.

Sample Display

Figure 2-25 shows sample debug arp output.

Figure 2-25: Sample Debug ARP Output
router# debug arp
IP ARP: sent req src 0000.0c01.e117, dst 0000.0000.0000
IP ARP: rcvd rep src 0800.2010.b908, dst
IP ARP: rcvd req src 0000.0c00.6fa2, dst
IP ARP: rep filtered src aa92.1b36.a456, dst ffff.ffff.ffff
IP ARP: rep filtered src 0000.0c00.6b31, dst 0800.2010.b908

In Figure 2-25, each line of output represents an ARP packet that the router sent or received. Explanations for the individual lines of output follow.

The first line indicates that the router at IP address and MAC address 0000.0c01.e117 sent an ARP request for the MAC address of the host at The series of zeros (0000.0000.0000) following this address indicate that the router is currently unaware of the MAC address.

IP ARP: sent req src 0000.0c01.e117, dst \

The second line indicates that the router at IP address receives a reply from the host at indicating that its MAC address is 0800.2010.b908:

IP ARP: rcvd rep src 0800.2010.b908, dst

The third line indicates that the router receives an ARP request from the host at requesting the MAC address for the host at

IP ARP: rcvd req src 0000.0c00.6fa2, dst

The fourth line indicates that another host on the network attempted to send the router an ARP reply for its own address. The router ignores meaningless replies. Usually, meaningless replies happen if someone is running a bridge in parallel with the router and is allowing ARP to be bridged. This condition indicates a network misconfiguration.

IP ARP: rep filtered src aa92.1b36.a456, dst \

The fifth line indicates that another host on the network attempted to inform the router that it is on network, but the router does not know that that network is attached to a different router interface. The remote host (probably a PC or an X terminal) is misconfigured. If the router were to install this entry, it would deny service to the real machine on the proper cable.

IP ARP: rep filtered src 0000.0c00.6b31, dst \

debug atm errors

Use the debug atm errors EXEC command to display Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) errors. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug atm errors
no debug atm errors
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Sample Display

Figure 2-26 shows sample debug atm errors output.

Figure 2-26: Sample Debug ATM Errors Output
router# debug atm errors
ATM(ATM2/0): Encapsulation error, link=7, host=836CA86D.
ATM(ATM4/0): VCD#7 failed to echo OAM. 4 tries

The first line of output in Figure 2-26 indicates that a packet was routed to the ATM interface, but no static map was set up to route that packet to the proper virtual circuit.

The second line of output shows that an OAM F5 (virtual circuit) cell error occurred.

debug atm events

Use the debug atm events EXEC command to display ATM events. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug atm events
no debug atm events
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command displays ATM events that occur on the ATM interface processor and is useful for diagnosing problems in an ATM network. It provides an overall picture of the stability of the network. In a stable network, the debug atm events command does not return any information. If the command generates numerous messages, the messages can indicate the possible source of problems.

When configuring or making changes to a router or interface for ATM, enable debug atm events. Doing so alerts you to the progress of the changes or to any errors that might result. Also use this command periodically when you suspect network problems.

Sample Display

Figure 2-27 shows sample debug atm events output.

Figure 2-27: Sample Debug ATM Events Output
router# debug atm events
ATM events debugging is on
RESET(ATM4/0): PLIM type is 1, Rate is 100Mbps
aip_disable(ATM4/0): state=1
aip_love_note(ATM4/0): asr=0x201
aip_love_note(ATM4/0): asr=0x4000
aip_enable(ATM4/0): restarting VCs: 7
aip_setup_vc(ATM4/0): vc:1 vpi:1 vci:1
aip_love_note(ATM4/0): asr=0x200
aip_setup_vc(ATM4/0): vc:2 vpi:2 vci:2
aip_love_note(ATM4/0): asr=0x200
aip_setup_vc(ATM4/0): vc:3 vpi:3 vci:3
aip_love_note(ATM4/0): asr=0x200
aip_setup_vc(ATM4/0): vc:4 vpi:4 vci:4
aip_love_note(ATM4/0): asr=0x200
aip_setup_vc(ATM4/0): vc:6 vpi:6 vci:6
aip_love_note(ATM4/0): asr=0x200
aip_setup_vc(ATM4/0): vc:7 vpi:7 vci:7
aip_love_note(ATM4/0): asr=0x200
aip_setup_vc(ATM4/0): vc:11 vpi:11 vci:11
aip_love_note(ATM4/0): asr=0x200

Table 2-17 describes significant fields in the output shown in Figure 2-27.

Table  2-17: Debug ATM Events Field Descriptions
Field Description
PLIM type Indicates the interface rate in Mbps. Possible values are
1 = TAXI(4B5B) 100 Mbps
2 = SONET 155 Mbps
3 = E3 34 Mbps
state Indicates current state of the AIP. Possible values are
1 = An ENABLE will be issued soon
0 = The AIP will remain shut down
asr Defines a bitmask, which indicates actions or completions to commands. Valid bitmask values are
0x0800 = AIP crashed, reload may be required.
0x0400 = AIP detected a carrier state change.
0x0n00 = Command completion status. Command completion status codes are
           n = 8 Invalid PLIM detected
           n = 4 Command failed
           n = 2 Command completed successfully
           n = 1 CONFIG request failed
           n = 0 Invalid value

Explanations for representative lines of output in Figure 2-27 follow.

The following line indicates that the ATM Interface Processor (AIP) was reset. The PLIM TYPE detected was 1, so the maximum rate is set to 100 Mbps.

RESET(ATM4/0): PLIM type is 1, Rate is 100Mbps

The following line indicates that the ATM Interface Processor (AIP) was given a shutdown command, but the current configuration indicates that the AIP should be up:

aip_disable(ATM4/0): state=1

The following line indicates that a configuration command has been completed by the AIP:

aip_love_note(ATM4/0): asr=0x201

The following line indicates that the AIP was given a no shutdown command to take it out of shutdown:


The following line indicates that the AIP detected a carrier state change. It does not indicate that the carrier is down or up, only that it has changed:

aip_love_note(ATM4/0): asr=0x4000

The following line of output indicates that the AIP enable function is restarting all PVCs automatically:

aip_enable(ATM4/0): restarting VCs: 7

The following lines of output indicate that PVC 1 was set up and a successful completion code was returned:

aip_setup_vc(ATM4/0): vc:1 vpi:1 vci:1
aip_love_note(ATM4/0): asr=0x200

debug atm oam

Use the debug atm oam command to display ATM operation and maintnenance (OAM) events. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug atm oam
no debug atm oam
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Sample Display

Figure 2-28 shows sample debug atm oam output.

Figure 2-28: Sample Debug ATM OAM Output
router# debug atm oam
ATM4/0(O): VCD:0x0 DM:0x300 *OAM Cell* Length:0x39
0000 0300 0070 007A 0018 0100 0000 05FF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF 
FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FF6A 6A6A 6A6A 6A6A 6A6A 6A6A 6A6A 6A6A 6A00 0000

Table 2-18 describes the output fields shown in Figure 2-28.

Table  2-18: Debug ATM OAM Field Descriptions
Field Description
0000 VCD Special OAM indicator
0300 Descriptor MODE bits for the AIP
0 GFC (4 bits)
07 VPI (8 bits)
0007 VCI (16 bits)
A Payload type field(PTI)(4 bits)
00 Header Error Correction(8 bits)
1 OAM Fault mgmt. cell(4 bits)
8 OAM LOOPBACK indicator (4 bits)
01 Loopback indicator value, always 1(8 bits)
00000005 Loopback unique ID, sequence number (32 bits)
FF6A F's and 6A required in the remaining ATM cell, per UNI3.0

debug atm packet

Use the debug atm packet EXEC command to display per-packet debugging output. The output reports information online when a packet is received or a transmit is attempted. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug atm packet
no debug atm packet
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The debug atm packet command displays all process-level ATM packets for both outbound and inbound packets. This command is useful for determining whether packets are being received and transmitted correctly.

For transmitted packets, the information is displayed only after the protocol data unit (PDU) is entirely encapsulated and a next hop virtual circuit (VC) is found. If information is not displayed, the address translation probably failed during encapsulation. When a next hop VC is found, the packet is displayed exactly as it will be presented on the wire. Having a display indicates the packets are properly encapsulated for transmission.

For received packets, information is displayed for all incoming frames. The display can show whether the transmitting station properly encapsulates the frames. Because all incoming frames are displayed, this information is useful when performing back-to-back testing and corrupted frames cannot be dropped by an intermediary ATM switch.

The debug atm packet command also displays the initial bytes of the actual PDU in hexadecimal. This information can be decoded only by qualified support or engineering personnel.

Note Because the debug atm packet command generates a significant amount of output for every packet processed, use it only when traffic on the network is low, so other activity on the system is not adversely affected.
Sample Display

Figure 2-29 shows sample debug atm packet output.

Figure 2-29: Sample Debug ATM Packet Output
router# debug atm packets
ATM packets debugging is on
ATM2/0(O): VCD: 0x1,DM: 1C00, MUX, ETYPE: 0800,Length: 32
4500 002E 0000 0000 0209 92ED 836C A26E FFFF FFFF 1108 006D 0001 0000 0000
A5CC 6CA2 0000 000A 0000 6411 76FF 0100 6C08 00FF FFFF 0003 E805 DCFF 0105

Table 2-19 describes significant fields shown in Figure 2-29.

Table  2-19: Debug ATM Packet Field Descriptions
Field Description
ATM2/0 Indicates the interface that generated this packet.
(O) Indicates an output packet. (I) would mean receive packet.
VCD: 0xn Indicates the virtual circuit associated with this packet, where n is some value.
DM: 0xnnnn Indicates the descriptor mode bits on output only, where nnnn is a hexadecimal value.
ETYPE: n Shows the Ethernet type for this packet.
Length: n Shows the total length of the packet including the ATM header(s).

The following two lines of output are the binary data, which are the contents of the protocol PDU before encapsulation at the ATM:

4500 002E 0000 0000 0209 92ED 836C A26E FFFF FFFF 1108 006D 0001 0000 0000
A5CC 6CA2 0000 000A 0000 6411 76FF 0100 6C08 00FF FFFF 0003 E805 DCFF 0105

debug bri

Use the debug bri EXEC command to display debugging information on Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDN) Basic Rate Interface (BRI) routing activity. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug bri
no debug bri
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The debug bri command indicates whether the ISDN code is enabling and disabling the B-channels when attempting an outgoing call. This command is available for the low-end router products that have a multi-BRI network interface module installed.

Note Because the debug bri command generates a significant amount of output, use it only when traffic on the IP network is low, so other activity on the system is not adversely affected.
Sample Display

Figure 2-30 shows sample debug bri output.

Figure 2-30: Sample Debug BRI Packets Output
Router# debug bri
Basic Rate network interface debugging is on          
BRI: write_sid: wrote 1B for subunit 0, slot 1.
BRI: write_sid: wrote 15 for subunit 0, slot 1.
BRI: write_sid: wrote 17 for subunit 0, slot 1.
BRI: write_sid: wrote 6 for subunit 0, slot 1.
BRI: write_sid: wrote 8 for subunit 0, slot 1.
BRI: write_sid: wrote 11 for subunit 0, slot 1.
BRI: write_sid: wrote 13 for subunit 0, slot 1.
BRI: write_sid: wrote 29 for subunit 0, slot 1.
BRI: write_sid: wrote 1B for subunit 0, slot 1.
BRI: write_sid: wrote 15 for subunit 0, slot 1.
BRI: write_sid: wrote 17 for subunit 0, slot 1.
BRI: write_sid: wrote 20 for subunit 0, slot 1.
BRI: Starting Power Up timer for unit = 0. 
BRI: write_sid: wrote 3 for subunit 0, slot 1.
BRI: Starting T3 timer after expiry of PUP timeout for unit = 0, current state is F4. 
BRI: write_sid: wrote FF for subunit 0, slot 1.
BRI: Activation for unit = 0, current state is F7. 
BRI: enable channel B1 
BRI: write_sid: wrote 14 for subunit 0, slot 1.
%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface BRI0: B-Channel 1, changed state to up
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface BRI0: B-Channel 1, changed state to up.!!!
BRI: disable channel B1 
BRI: write_sid: wrote 15 for subunit 0, slot 1.
%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface BRI0: B-Channel 1, changed state to down
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface BRI0: B-Channel 1, changed state to down
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface BRI0: B-Channel 1, changed state to down

Explanations for individual lines of output from Figure 2-30 follow.

The following line indicates that an internal command was written to the interface controller. The subunit identifies the first interface in the slot:

BRI: write_sid: wrote 1B for subunit 0, slot 1.

The following line indicates that the power-up timer was started for the named unit:

BRI: Starting Power Up timer for unit = 0. 

The following lines indicate that the channel or the protocol on the interface changed state:

%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface BRI0: B-Channel 1, changed state to up
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface BRI0: B-Channel 1, changed state to up.!!!
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface BRI0: B-Channel 1, changed state to down

The following line indicates that the channel was disabled:

BRI: disable channel B1 

Lines of output not described are for use by support staff only.

Related Commands

debug isdn-event
debug isdn-q921
debug isdn-q931

debug broadcast

Use the debug broadcast EXEC command to display information on MAC broadcast packets. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug broadcast
no debug broadcast
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Depending on the type of interface and the type of encapsulation used on that interface, the debug broadcast command can produce a wide range of messages.

Sample Display

Figure 2-31 shows sample debug broadcast output. Notice how similar it is to the debug packet output.

Figure 2-31: Sample Debug Broadcast Output
router# debug broadcast
Ethernet0: Broadcast ARPA, src 0000.0c00.6fa4, dst ffff.ffff.ffff, type 0x0800,
data 4500002800000000FF11EA7B, len 60
Serial3: Broadcast HDLC, size 64, type 0x800, flags 0x8F00
Serial2: Broadcast PPP, size 128
Serial7: Broadcast FRAME-RELAY, size 174, type 0x800, DLCI 7a

Table 2-20 describes significant fields shown in Figure 2-31.

Table  2-20: Debug Broadcast Field Descriptions
Field Description
Ethernet0 Name of Ethernet interface that received the packet.
Broadcast Indication that this packet was a broadcast packet.
ARPA Indication that this packet uses ARPA-style encapsulation. Possible encapsulation styles vary depending on the media command mode (MCM) and encapsulation style, as follows:

Ethernet (MCM)

Encapsulation Style


Encapsulation Style

Serial (MCM)

Encapsulation Style

Token Ring (MCM)

Encapsulation Style

src 0000.0c00.6fa4 MAC address of the node generating the packet.
dst ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff MAC address of the destination node for the packet. This address is always the MAC broadcast address.
type 0x0800 Packet type (IP in this case).
data ... First 12 bytes of the datagram following the MAC header.
len 60 Length of the message that the interface received from the wire (in bytes).
size 128 Length of the message that the interface received from the wire (in bytes).
flags 0x8F00 HDLC or PPP flags field.
DLCI 7a The DLCI number on Frame Relay.

debug bsc events

Use the debug bsc events command to display all events occuring in the Binary Synchronous Communication (BSC) feature. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug bsc events
no debug bsc events
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command traces all interfaces configured with a bsc protocol-group number interface command.

Sample Display

Figure 2-32 shows sample debug bsc events output.

Figure 2-32: Sample Debug BSC Events Output
router# debug bsc events
BSC: Serial2         POLLEE-FSM inp:E_LineFail  old_st:CU_Down  new_st:TCU_EOFile
BSC: Serial2         POLLEE-FSM inp:E_LineFail  old_st:CU_Down  new_st:TCU_EOFile
BSC: Serial2         POLLEE-FSM inp:E_LineFail  old_st:CU_Down  new_st:TCU_EOFile
0:04:32: BSC: Serial2        :SDI-rx : 9 bytes
BSC: Serial2         POLLEE-FSM inp:E_RxEtx  old_st:CU_Down  new_st:TCU_EOFile
0:04:32: BSC: Serial2        :SDI-rx : 5 bytes
BSC: Serial2         POLLEE-FSM inp:E_RxEnq  old_st:CU_Down  new_st:TCU_EOFile
BSC: Serial2         POLLEE-FSM inp:E_Timeout  old_st:CU_Down  new_st:TCU_InFile
BSC: Serial2         POLLEE-FSM inp:E_Timeout  old_st:CU_Idle  new_st:TCU_InFile
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial2, changed state to up
%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial2, changed state to up
BSC: Serial2         POLLEE-FSM inp:E_Timeout  old_st:CU_Idle  new_st:TCU_InFile
0:04:35: BSC: Serial2        :SDI-rx : 9 bytes
BSC: Serial2         POLLEE-FSM inp:E_RxEtx  old_st:CU_Idle  new_st:TCU_InFile
0:04:35: BSC: Serial2        :SDI-rx : 5 bytes
BSC: Serial2         POLLEE-FSM inp:E_RxEnq  old_st:CU_Idle  new_st:TCU_InFile
0:04:35: BSC: Serial2        :NDI-rx : 3 bytes
Related Command

debug bsc packet

debug bsc packet

Use the debug bsc packet command to display all frames traveling through the Binary Synchronous Communication (BSC) feature. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug bsc packet
debug bsc packet
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command traces all interfaces configured with a bsc protocol-group number interface command.

Sample Display

Figure 2-33 shows sample debug bsc packet output.

Figure 2-33: Sample Debug BSC Packet Output
router# debug bsc packet
0:23:33: BSC: Serial2        :NDI-rx : 27 bytes 401A400227F5C31140C11D60C8C5D3D3D51D4013
0:23:33: BSC: Serial2        :SDI-tx : 12 bytes 00323237FF3232606040402D
0:23:33: BSC: Serial2        :SDI-rx : 2 bytes 1070
0:23:33: BSC: Serial2        :SDI-tx : 27 bytes 401A400227F5C31140C11D60C8C5D3D3D51D4013
0:23:33: BSC: Serial2        :SDI-rx : 2 bytes 1061
0:23:33: BSC: Serial2        :SDI-tx : 5 bytes 00323237FF
Related Command

debug bsc event

debug bstun

Use the debug bstun command to show connection establishment and overall status messages for the block serial tunnel (BSTUN) connection. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug bstun
no debug bstun
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Sample Display

Figure 2-34 shows sample debug bstun output.

Figure 2-34: Sample Debug BSTUN Output
router# debug bstun 
%BSTUN-6-TCPFINI: peer (all[2]) closed [previous state open]
BSTUN: Change state for peer (all[2]) at 4451380 (open->closed)
%BSTUN-6-TCPFINI: peer (all[1]) closed [previous state open]
BSTUN: Change state for peer (all[1]) at 4451380 (open->closed)
BSTUN: Change state for peer (all[2]) at 4451AA0 (closed->opening)
BSTUN: Change state for peer (all[2]) at 4451AA0 (opening->open wait)
%BSTUN-6-OPENING: CONN: opening peer (all[2]), 3
%BSTUN-6-OPENED: CONN: peer (all[2]) opened, [previous state open wait]
Related Command

debug bstun packet

debug bstun packet

Use the debug bstun packet command to display packet information on packets traveling through the BSTUN links. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug bstun packet [group] | [group address]
no debug bstun packet [
group] | [group address]
Syntax Description
group (Optional) Only packets associated with this BSTUN group will be traced.
group address (Optional) If both the group and address parameters are included, only packets with this address and associated with this BSTUN group will be traced.
Command Mode


Sample Display

Figure 2-35 shows sample debug bstun packet output.

Figure 2-35: Sample Debug BSTUN Packet Output
router# debug bstun packet
BSTUN bsc-local-ack: 0:00:00 Serial2         SDI: Addr:  40 Data: 02C1C1C1C1C1C1C1C1C1
BSTUN bsc-local-ack: 0:00:00 Serial2         SDI: Addr:  40 Data: 02C1C1C1C1C1C1C1C1C1
BSTUN bsc-local-ack: 0:00:06 Serial2         NDI: Addr:  40 Data: 0227F5C31140C11D60C8
Related Command

debug bstun event

debug callback

Use the debug callback command to display callback events when the router is using a modem and a chat script to call back on a terminal line. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug callback
no debug callback
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command is useful for debugging chat scripts on PPP and ARAP lines that use callback mechanisms. The output provided by the debug callback command shows you how the call is progressing when used with the debug ppp or debug arap commands.

Sample Display

Figure 2-36 shows sample debug callback output.

Figure 2-36: Sample Debug Callback Output
router# debug callback 
TTY7 Callback process initiated, user: exec_test dialstring 123456
TTY7 Callback forced wait = 4 seconds
TTY7 Exec Callback Successful - await exec/autoselect pickup
TTY7: Callback in effect
Related Commands

debug ppp
debug arap

debug cdp

Use the debug cdp EXEC command to enable debugging of Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP). The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug cdp {packets | adjacency | events}
no debug cdp {packets | adjacency | events}
Syntax Description
packets Enables packet-related debugging output.
adjacency Enables adjacency-related debugging output.
events Enables output related related to error messages, such as detecting a bad checksum.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Use debug cdp commands to display information about CDP packet activity, activity between CDP neighbors, and various CDP events.

Sample Display

Figure 2-37 shows a composite sample output from debug cdp packets, debug cdp adjacency, and debug cdp events.

Figure 2-37: Sample Debug CDP Output
router# debug cdp packets
CDP packet info debugging is on
router# debug cdp adjacency
CDP neighbor info debugging is on
router# debug cdp events
CDP events debugging is on
CDP-PA: Packet sent out on Ethernet0
CDP-PA: Packet received from on interface Ethernet0
CDP-AD: Deleted table entry for, interface Ethernet0
CDP-AD: Interface Ethernet2 coming up
CDP-EV: Encapsulation on interface Serial2 failed

The messages displayed by debug cdp commands are self-explanatory.

debug channel love

Use the debug channel love command to display Channel Interface Processor (CIP) love letter events. This command is valid for the Cisco 7000 series routers only. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug channel love
no debug channel love
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command displays Channel Interface Processor (CIP) events that occur on the CIP interface processor and is useful for diagnosing problems in an IBM channel attach network. It provides an overall picture of the stability of the network. In a stable network, the debug channel love command returns a statistic message (cip_love_letter) that is transmitted every ten seconds.

Sample Display

Figure 2-38 shows sample debug channel love output.

Figure 2-38: Sample Debug Channel Love Output
Router# debug channel love
Channel3/1: love letter received, bytes 3308
Channel3/0: love letter received, bytes 3336
cip_love_letter: recieved ll, but no cip_info

The following line indicates that data was received on the CIP:

Channel3/1: love letter received, bytes 3308

The following line indicates that the interface is enabled, but there is no configuration for it. It does not normally indicate a problem, just that the route processor (RP) got statistics from the CIP but has no place to store them.

cip_love_letter: recieved ll, but no cip_info

Related Commands

debug channel events
debug channel packets

debug channel events

The debug channel events EXEC command displays processing events that occur on the channel adapter interfaces of all installed adapters. This command is valid for the Cisco 7000 series routers only. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug channel events
no debug channel events
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command displays Channel Interface Processor (CIP) events that occur on the CIP interface processor and is useful for diagnosing problems in an IBM channel attach network. It provides an overall picture of the stability of the network. In a stable network, the debug channel events command does not return any information. If the command generates numerous messages, they can indicate the possible source of the problems. To observe the statistic message (cip_love_letter) transmitted every ten seconds, use the debug channel love command.

When configuring or making changes to a router or interface that supports IBM channel attach, enable debug channel events. Doing so alerts you to the progress of the changes or to any errors that might result. Also use this command periodically when you suspect network problems.

Sample Display

Figure 2-39 shows sample debug channel events output.

Figure 2-39: Sample Debug Channel Events Output
Router# debug channel events
Channel3/0: cip_reset(), state administratively down
Channel3/0: cip_reset(), state up
Channel3/0: sending nodeid
Channel3/0: sending command for vc 0, CLAW path C700, device C0

Explanations for individual lines of output from Figure 2-39 follow.

The following line indicates that the CIP is being reset to an administrative down state:

Channel3/0: cip_reset(), state administratively down

The following line indicates that the CIP is being reset to an administrative up state:

Channel3/0: cip_reset(), state up

The following line indicates that the node id is being sent to the CIP. This information is the same as the "Local Node" information under the show extended channel slot/port subchannels command. The CIP needs this information to send to the host mainframe.

Channel3/0: sending nodeid

The following line indicates that a CLAW subchannel command is being sent from the RP to the CIP. The value vc 0 indicates that the CIP will use virual circuit number 0 with this device. The virual circuit number will also show up when you use the debug channel packets command.

Channel3/0: sending command for vc 0, CLAW path C700, device C0
Related Commands

debug channel love
debug channel packets

debug channel packets

Use the debug channel packets EXEC command to display per-packet debugging output. The output reports information when a packet is received or a transmit is attempted. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug channel packets
no debug channel packets
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The debug channel packets command displays all process-level Channel Interface Processor (CIP) packets for both outbound and and inbound packets. You will need to disable fast switching and autonomous switching to obtain debugging output. This command is useful for determining whether packets are received or transmitted correctly.

This command is valid for the Cisco 7000 series routers only.

Sample Display

Figure 2-40 shows sample debug channel packets output.

Figure 2-40: Sample Debug Channel Packets Output
Router# debug channel packets 
Channel packets debugging is on
(Channel3/0)-out size = 104, vc = 0000, type = 0800, src, dst
(Channel3/0)-in  size = 48, vc = 0000, type = 0800, src, dst
(Channel3/0)-in  size = 48, vc = 0000, type = 0800, src, dst
(Channel3/0)-out size = 71, vc = 0000, type = 0800, src, dst
(Channel3/0)-in  size = 44, vc = 0000, type = 0800, src, dst

Table 2-21 provides explanations for individual lines of output from Figure 2-40.

Table  2-21: Channel Packets Field Descriptions
Field Description
(Channel3/0) The interface slot and port.
in / out In is a packet from the mainframe to the router.

Out is a packet from the router to the mainframe.

size = The number of bytes in the packet, including internal overhead.
vc = A value from 0-511 that maps to the claw interface configuration command. This information is from the MAC layer.
type = The encapsulation type in the MAC layer. The value 0800 indicates an IP datagram.
src The origin, or source, of the packet, as opposed to the previous hop address.
dst The destination of the packet, as opposed to the next hop address.
Related Commands

debug channel events
debug channel love

debug clns esis events

Use the debug clns esis events EXEC command to display uncommon End System-to-Intermediate System (ES-IS) events, including previously unknown neighbors, neighbors that have aged out, and neighbors that have changed roles (ES to IS, for example). The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug clns esis events
no debug clns esis events
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Sample Display

Figure 2-41 shows sample debug clns esis events output.

Figure 2-41: Sample Debug CLNS ESIS Events Output
router# debug clns esis events
ES-IS: ISH from aa00.0400.2c05 (Ethernet1), HT 30
ES-IS: ESH from aa00.0400.9105 (Ethernet1), HT 150
ES-IS: ISH sent to All ESs (Ethernet1): NET 49.0001.AA00.0400.6904.00, HT 299, HLEN 20

Explanations for individual lines of output from Figure 2-41 follow.

The following line indicates that the router received a hello packet (ISH) from the IS at MAC address aa00.0400.2c05 on the Ethernet1 interface. The hold time (or number of seconds to consider this packet valid before deleting it) for this packet is 30 seconds.

ES-IS: ISH from aa00.0400.2c05 (Ethernet1), HT 30

The following line indicates that the router received a hello packet (ESH) from the ES at MAC address aa00.0400.9105 on the Ethernet1 interface. The hold time is 150 seconds.

ES-IS: ESH from aa00.0400.9105 (Ethernet1), HT 150

The following line indicates that the router sent an IS hello packet on the Ethernet0 interface to all ESs on the network. The network entity title (NET) address of the router is 49.0001.0400.AA00.6904.00; the hold time for this packet is 299 seconds; and the header length of this packet is 20 bytes.

ES-IS: ISH sent to All ESs (Ethernet1): NET 49.0001.AA00.0400.6904.00, HT 299, HLEN 20

debug clns esis packets

Use the debug clns esis packets EXEC command to enable display information on End System-to-Intermediate System (ES-IS) packets that the router has received and sent. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug clns esis packets
no debug clns esis packets
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Sample Display

Figure 2-42 shows sample debug clns esis packets output.

Figure 2-42: Sample Debug CLNS ESIS Packets Output
router# debug clns esis packets  
ES-IS: ISH sent to All ESs (Ethernet0): NET 
47.0005.80ff.ef00.0000.0001.5940.1600.8906.4023.00, HT 299, HLEN 33
ES-IS: ISH sent to All ESs (Ethernet1): NET 
47.0005.80ff.ef00.0000.0001.5940.1600.8906.4023.00, HT 299, HLEN 34
ES-IS: ISH from aa00.0400.6408 (Ethernet0), HT 299
ES-IS: ISH sent to All ESs (Tunnel0): NET 
47.0005.80ff.ef00.0000.0001.5940.1600.O906.4023.00, HT 299, HLEN 34
IS-IS: ESH from 0000.0c00.bda8 (Ethernet0), HT 300

Explanations for individual lines of output from Figure 2-42 follow.

The following line indicates that the router has sent an IS hello packet on Ethernet0 to all ESs on the network. This hello packet indicates that the NET of the router is 47.0005.80ff.ef00.0000.0001.5940.1600.8906.4023.00. The hold time for this packet is 299 seconds. The packet header is 33 bytes in length.

ES-IS: ISH sent to All ESs (Ethernet0): NET 47.0005.80ff.ef00.0000.0001.5940.1600.8906.4023.00, HT 299, HLEN 33

The following line indicates that the router has sent an IS hello packet on Ethernet1 to all ESs on the network. This hello packet indicates that the network entity title (NET) of the router is 47.0005.80ff.ef00.0000.0001.5940.1600.8906.4023.00. The hold time for this packet is 299 seconds. The packet header is 33 bytes in length.

ES-IS: ISH sent to All ESs (Ethernet1): NET 47.0005.80ff.ef00.0000.0001.5940.1600.8906.4023.00, HT 299, HLEN 34

The following line indicates that the router received a hello packet on Ethernet0 from an intermediate system, aa00.0400.6408. The hold time for this packet is 299 seconds.

ES-IS: ISH from aa00.0400.6408 (Ethernet0), HT 299 

The following line indicates that the router has sent an IS hello packet on Tunnel0 to all ESs on the network. This hello packet indicates that the NET of the router is 47.0005.80ff.ef00.0000.0001.5940.1600.8906.4023.00. The hold time for this packet is 299 seconds. The packet header is 33 bytes in length.

ES-IS: ISH sent to All ESs (Tunnel0): NET 47.0005.80ff.ef00.0000.0001.5940.1600.8906.4023.00, HT 299, HLEN 34

The following line indicates that on Ethernet0, the router received a hello packet from an end system with an SNPA of 0000.0c00.bda8. The hold time for this packet is 300 seconds.

IS-IS: ESH from 0000.0c00.bda8 (Ethernet0), HT 300

debug clns events

Use the debug clns events EXEC command to display CLNS events that are occurring at the router. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug clns events
no debug clns events
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Sample Display

Figure 2-43 shows sample debug clns events output.

Figure 2-43: Sample Debug CLNS Events Output
router# debug clns events
CLNS: Echo PDU received on Ethernet3 from 39.0001.2222.2222.2222.00!
CLNS: Sending from 39.0001.3333.3333.3333.00 to 39.0001.2222.2222.2222.00
         via 2222.2222.2222 (Ethernet3 0000.0c00.3a18)
CLNS: Forwarding packet size 117
      from 39.0001.2222.2222.2222.00
      to 49.0002.0001.AAAA.AAAA.AAAA.00
      via 49.0002 (Ethernet3 0000.0c00.b5a3)
CLNS: RD Sent on Ethernet3 to 39.0001.2222.2222.2222.00 @ 0000.0c00.3a18,
      redirecting 49.0002.0001.AAAA.AAAA.AAAA.00 to 0000.0c00.b5a3

Explanations for individual lines of output from Figure 2-43 follow.

The following line indicates that the router received an echo PDU on Ethernet3 from source network service access point (NSAP) 39.0001.2222.2222.2222.00. The exclamation point at the end of the line has no significance.

CLNS: Echo PDU received on Ethernet3 from 39.0001.2222.2222.2222.00!

The following lines indicate that the router at source NSAP 39.0001.3333.3333.3333.00 is sending a CLNS echo packet to destination NSAP 39.0001.2222.2222.2222.00 via an IS with system ID 2222.2222.2222. The packet is being sent on the Ethernet3 interface, with a MAC address of 0000.0c00.3a18.

CLNS: Sending from 39.0001.3333.3333.3333.00 to 39.0001.2222.2222.2222.00
         via 2222.2222.2222 (Ethernet3 0000.0c00.3a18)

The following lines indicate that a CLNS echo packet 117 bytes in size is being sent from source NSAP 39.0001.2222.2222.2222.00 to destination NSAP 49.0002.0001.AAAA.AAAA.AAAA.00 via the router at NSAP 49.0002. The packet is being forwarded on the Ethernet3 interface, with a MAC address of 0000.0c00.b5a3.

CLNS: Forwarding packet size 117
      from 39.0001.2222.2222.2222.00
      to 49.0002.0001.AAAA.AAAA.AAAA.00
      via 49.0002 (Ethernet3 0000.0c00.b5a3)

The following lines indicate that the router sent a redirect packet on the Ethernet3 interface to the NSAP 39.0001.2222.2222.2222.00 at MAC address 0000.0c00.3a18 to indicate that NSAP 49.0002.0001.AAAA.AAAA.AAAA.00 can be reached at MAC address 0000.0c00.b5a3.

CLNS: RD Sent on Ethernet3 to 39.0001.2222.2222.2222.00 @ 0000.0c00.3a18,
      redirecting 49.0002.0001.AAAA.AAAA.AAAA.00 to 0000.0c00.b5a3

debug clns igrp packets

Use the debug clns igrp packets EXEC command to display debugging information on all ISO-IGRP routing activity. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug clns igrp packets
no debug clns igrp packets
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Sample Display

Figure 2-44 shows sample debug clns igrp packets output.

Figure 2-44: Sample Debug CLNS IGRP Packets Output
router# debug clns igrp packets
ISO-IGRP: Hello sent on Ethernet3 for DOMAIN_green1
ISO-IGRP: Received hello from 39.0001.3333.3333.3333.00, (Ethernet3), ht 51
ISO-IGRP: Originating level 1 periodic update
ISO-IGRP: Advertise dest: 2222.2222.2222
ISO-IGRP: Sending update on interface: Ethernet3
ISO-IGRP: Originating level 2 periodic update
ISO-IGRP: Advertise dest: 0001
ISO-IGRP: Sending update on interface: Ethernet3
ISO-IGRP: Received update from 3333.3333.3333 (Ethernet3)
ISO-IGRP: Opcode: area
ISO-IGRP: Received level 2 adv for 0001 metric 1100
ISO-IGRP: Opcode: station
ISO-IGRP: Received level 1 adv for 3333.3333.3333 metric 1100

Explanations for individual lines of output from Figure 2-44 follow.

The following line indicates that the router is sending a hello packet to advertise its existence in the DOMAIN_green1 domain:

ISO-IGRP: Hello sent on Ethernet3 for DOMAIN_green1

The following line indicates that the router received a hello packet from a certain network service access point (NSAP) on the Ethernet3 interface. The hold time for this information is 51 seconds.

ISO-IGRP: Received hello from 39.0001.3333.3333.3333.00, (Ethernet3), ht 51

The following lines indicate that the router is generating a Level 1 update to advertise reachability to destination NSAP 2222.2222.2222 and that it is sending that update to all systems that can be reached through the Ethernet3 interface:

ISO-IGRP: Originating level 1 periodic update
ISO-IGRP: Advertise dest: 2222.2222.2222
ISO-IGRP: Sending update on interface: Ethernet3

The following lines indicate that the router is generating a Level 2 update to advertise reachability to destination area 1 and that it is sending that update to all systems that can be reached through the Ethernet3 interface:

ISO-IGRP: Originating level 2 periodic update
ISO-IGRP: Advertise dest: 0001
ISO-IGRP: Sending update on interface: Ethernet3

The following lines indicate that the router received an update from NSAP 3333.3333.3333 on Ethernet3. This update indicated the area the router at this NSAP could reach.

ISO-IGRP: Received update from 3333.3333.3333 (Ethernet3)
ISO-IGRP: Opcode: area

The following lines indicate that the router received an update advertising that the source of that update can reach area 1 with a metric of 1100. A station opcode indicates that the update included system addresses.

ISO-IGRP: Received level 2 adv for 0001 metric 1100
ISO-IGRP: Opcode: station

debug clns packet

Use the debug clns packet EXEC command to display information about packet receipt and forwarding to the next interface. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug clns packet
no debug clns packet
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Sample Display

Figure 2-45 shows sample debug clns packet output.

Figure 2-45: Sample Debug CLNS Packet Output
router# debug clns packet
CLNS: Forwarding packet size 157
      from 47.0023.0001.0000.0000.0003.0001.1920.3614.3002.00 STUPI-RBS
      to 47.0005.80ff.ef00.0000.0001.5940.1600.8906.4017.00
      via 1600.8906.4017 (Ethernet0 0000.0c00.bda8)
CLNS: Echo PDU received on Ethernet0 from 4
CLNS: Sending from 47.0005.80ff.ef00.0000.0001.5940.1600.8906.4023.00 to 
      via 1600.8906.4017 (Ethernet0 0000.0c00.bda8)

Explanations for individual lines of output from Figure 2-45 follow.

In the following lines, the first line indicates that a Connectionless Network Service (CLNS) packet of size 157 bytes is being forwarded. The second line indicates the network service access point (NSAP) and system name of the source of the packet. The third line indicates the destination NSAP for this packet. The fourth line indicates the next-hop system ID, interface, and SNPA of the router interface used to forward this packet.

CLNS: Forwarding packet size 157
      from 47.0023.0001.0000.0000.0003.0001.1920.3614.3002.00 STUPI-RBS
      to 47.0005.80ff.ef00.0000.0001.5940.1600.8906.4017.00
      via 1600.8906.4017 (Ethernet0 0000.0c00.bda8)

In the following lines, the first line indicates that the router received an Echo PDU on the specified interface from the source NSAP. The second line indicates which source NSAP is used to send a CLNS packet to the destination NSAP, as shown on the third line. The fourth line indicates the next-hop system ID, interface, and SNPA of the router interface used to forward this packet.

CLNS: Echo PDU received on Ethernet0 from       47.0005.80ff.ef00.0000.0001.5940.1600.8906.4017.00!
CLNS: Sending from 47.0005.80ff.ef00.0000.0001.5940.1600.8906.4023.00 to       47.0005.80ff.ef00.0000.0001.5940.1600.8906.4017.00
      via 1600.8906.4017 (Ethernet0 0000.0c00.bda8)

debug clns routing

Use the debug clns routing EXEC command to display debugging information for all Connectionless Network Service (CLNS) routing cache updates and activities involving the CLNS routing table. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug clns routing
no debug clns routing
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Sample Display

Figure 2-46 shows sample debug clns routing output.

Figure 2-46: Sample Debug CLNS Routing Output
router# debug clns routing
CLNS-RT: cache increment:17
CLNS-RT: Add 47.0023.0001.0000.0000.0003.0001 to prefix table, next hop 1920.3614.3002
CLNS-RT: Aging cache entry for: 47.0023.0001.0000.0000.0003.0001.1920.3614.3002.06
CLNS-RT: Deleting cache entry for: 47.0023.0001.0000.0000.0003.0001.1920.3614.3002.06

Explanations for individual lines of output from Figure 2-46 follow.

The following line indicates that a change to the routing table has resulted in an addition to the fast-switching cache:

CLNS-RT: cache increment:17

The following line indicates that a specific prefix route was added to the routing table, and indicates the next-hop system ID to that prefix route. In other words, when the router receives a packet with the prefix 47.0023.0001.0000.0000.0003.0001 in that packet's destination address, it forwards that packet to the router with the MAC address 1920.3614.3002.

CLNS-RT: Add 47.0023.0001.0000.0000.0003.0001 to prefix table, next hop 1920.3614.3002

The following lines indicate that the fast-switching cache entry for a certain network service access point (NSAP) has been invalidated and then deleted:

CLNS-RT: Aging cache entry for: 47.0023.0001.0000.0000.0003.0001.1920.3614.3002.06
CLNS-RT: Deleting cache entry for: 47.0023.0001.0000.0000.0003.0001.1920.3614.3002.06

debug compress

Use the debug compress EXEC command to display compression information. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug compress
no debug compress
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Sample Display

Figure 2-47 shows sample debug compress output.

Figure 2-47: Sample Debug Compress Output
router# debug compress
 DECOMPRESS xmt_paks 5 rcv_sync 5
         COMPRESS xmt_paks 10 version 1
         COMPRESS xmt_paks 11 version 1
 DECOMPRESS xmt_paks 6 rcv_sync 6
         COMPRESS xmt_paks 12 version 1
         COMPRESS xmt_paks 13 version 1
 DECOMPRESS xmt_paks 7 rcv_sync 7
         COMPRESS xmt_paks 14 version 1
         COMPRESS xmt_paks 15 version 1

Table 2-22 describes significant fields shown in Figure 2-47.

Table  2-22: Debug Compress Field Descriptions
Field Description
COMPRESS xmt_paks The sequence count of this frame is modulo 256 (except zero only occurs on initialization). This value is part of the compression header sent with each frame.
DECOMPRESS xmt_paks The sequence count in the compression header received with this frame.
DECOMPRESS rcv_sync The received internal sequence count, which is verified against the DECOMPRESS xmt_paks count. If these counts do not match, a Link Access Procedure, Balanced (LAPB) reset will occur. On LAPB reset, a compression reinitialization occurs. Compression reinitialization initializes the dictionaries and xmt_paks and rcv_sync counts.

debug decnet adj

Use the debug decnet adj EXEC command to display debugging information on DECnet adjacencies. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug decnet adj
no debug decnet adj
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Sample Display

Figure 2-48 shows sample debug decnet adj output.

Figure 2-48: Sample Debug DECnet Adj Output
router# debug decnet adj
DECnet adjacencies debugging is on
DNET-ADJ: Level 1 hello from 1.3
DNET-ADJ: sending hellos
DNET-ADJ: Sending hellos to all routers on interface Ethernet0, blksize 1498
DNET-ADJ: Level 1 hello from 1.3
DNET-ADJ: 1.5 adjacency initializing
DNET-ADJ: sending triggered hellos
DNET-ADJ: Sending hellos to all routers on interface Ethernet0, blksize 1498
DNET-ADJ: Level 1 hello from 1.3
DNET-ADJ: 1.5 adjacency up
DNET-ADJ: Level 1 hello from 1.5
DNET-ADJ: 1.5 adjacency down, listener timeout

Explanations for representative lines of output in Figure 2-48 follow.

The following line indicates that the router is sending hellos to all routers on this segment, which in this case is Ethernet 0:

DNET-ADJ: Sending hellos to all routers on interface Ethernet0, blksize 1498

The following line indicates that the router has heard a hello from address 1.5 and is creating an adjacency entry in its table. The initial state of this adjacency will be initializing.

DNET-ADJ: 1.5 adjacency initializing

The following line indicates that the router is sending an unscheduled (triggered) hello as a result of some event, such as new adjacency being heard:

DNET-ADJ: sending triggered hellos

The following line indicates that the adjacency with 1.5 is now up, or active:

DNET-ADJ: 1.5 adjacency up

The following line indicates that the adjacency with 1.5 has timed out, because no hello has been heard from adjacency 1.5 in the time interval originally specified in the hello from 1.5:

DNET-ADJ: 1.5 adjacency down, listener timeout

The following line indicates that the router is sending an unscheduled hello, as a result of some event, such as the adjacency state changing:

DNET-ADJ: hello update triggered by state changed in dn_add_adjacency

debug decnet connects

Use the debug decnet connects EXEC command to display debugging information of all connect packets that are filtered (permitted or denied) by DECnet access lists. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug decnet connects
no debug decnet connects
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

When you use connect packet filtering, it may be helpful to use the decnet access-group configuration command to apply the following basic access list:

access-list 300 permit 0.0 63.1023 eq any

You can then log all connect packets transmitted on interfaces to which you applied this list, in order to determine those elements on which your connect packets must be filtered.

Sample Display

Figure 2-49 shows sample debug decnet connects output.

Figure 2-49: Sample Debug DECnet Connects Output
router# debug decnet connects
DNET-CON: list 300 item #2 matched src=19.403 dst=19.309 on Ethernet0: permitted
  srcname="RICK" srcuic=[0,017]
  dstobj=42 id="USER"

Table 2-23 describes significant fields shown in Figure 2-49.

Table  2-23: Debug DECnet Connects Field Descriptions
Field Description
DNET-CON: Indicates that this is a debug decnet connects packet
list 300 item #2 matched Indicates that a packet matched the second item in access list 300
src = 19.403 Indicates the source DECnet address for the packet
dst = 19.309 Indicates the destination DECnet address for the packet
on Ethernet0: Indicates the router interface on which the access list filtering the packet was applied
permitted Indicates that the access list permitted the packet
srcname = "RICK" Indicates the originator user of the packet
srcuic = [0,017] Indicates the source UIC of the packet
dstobj = 42 Indicates that DECnet object 42 is the destination
id="USER" Indicates the access user

Note Packet
password and account information is not logged in the debug decnet connects message, nor is it displayed by the show access EXEC command. If you specify password or account information in your access list, they can be viewed by anyone with access to the configuration of the router.

debug decnet events

Use the debug decnet events EXEC command to display debugging information on DECnet events. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug decnet events
no debug decnet events
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Sample Display

Figure 2-50 shows sample debug decnet events output.

Figure 2-50: Sample Debug DECnet Events Output
router# debug decnet events
DNET: Hello from area 50 rejected - exceeded 'max area' parameter (45)
DNET: Hello from area 50 rejected - exceeded 'max area' parameter (45)

Explanations for representative lines of output in Figure 2-50 follow.

The following line indicates that the router received a hello from a router whose area was greater than the max-area parameter with which this router was configured:

DNET: Hello from area 50 rejected - exceeded 'max area' parameter (45)

The following line indicates that the router received a hello from a router whose node ID was greater than the max-node parameter with which this router was configured:

DNET: Hello from node 1002 rejected - exceeded 'max node' parameter (1000)

debug decnet packet

Use the debug decnet packet EXEC command to display debugging information on DECnet packet events. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug decnet packet
no debug decnet packet
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Sample Display

Figure 2-51 shows sample debug decnet packet output.

Figure 2-51: Sample Debug DECnet Packet Output
router# debug decnet packet
DNET-PKT: src 1.4 dst 1.5 sending to PHASEV
DNET-PKT: Packet fwded from 1.4 to 1.5, via 1.5, snpa 0000.3080.cf90, TokenRing0

Explanations for individual lines of output from Figure 2-51 follow.

The following line indicates that the router is sending a converted packet addressed to node 1.5 to Phase V:

DNET-PKT: src 1.4 dst 1.5 sending to PHASEV

The following line indicates that the router forwarded a packet from node 1.4 to node 1.5. The packet is being sent to the next hop of 1.5 whose subnetwork point of attachment (MAC address) on that interface is 0000.3080.cf90.

DNET-PKT: Packet fwded from 1.4 to 1.5, via 1.5, snpa 0000.3080.cf90, TokenRing0

debug decnet routing

Use the debug decnet routing EXEC command to display all DECnet routing-related events occurring at the router. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug decnet routing
no debug decnet routing
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Sample Display

Figure 2-52 shows sample debug decnet routing output.

Figure 2-52: Sample Debug DECnet Routing Output
router# debug decnet routing
DNET-RT: Received level 1 routing from 1.3 on Ethernet0 at 1:16:34
DNET-RT: Sending routes
DNET-RT: Sending normal routing updates on Ethernet0
DNET-RT: Sending level 1 routing updates on interface Ethernet0
DNET-RT: Level1 routes from 1.5 on Ethernet0: entry for node 5 created
DNET-RT: route update triggered by after split route pointers in dn_rt_input
DNET-RT: Received level 1 routing from 1.5 on Ethernet 0 at 1:18:35
DNET-RT: Sending L1 triggered routes
DNET-RT: Sending L1 triggered routing updates on Ethernet0
DNET-RT: removing route to node 5

Explanations for individual lines of output from Figure 2-52 follow.

The following line indicates that the router has received a level 1 update on interface Ethernet 0:

DNET-RT: Received level 1 routing from 1.3 on Ethernet0 at 1:16:34

The following line indicates that the router is sending its scheduled updates on interface Ethernet 0:

DNET-RT: Sending normal routing updates on Ethernet0

The following line indicates that the route will send an unscheduled update on this interface as a result of some event. In this case, the unscheduled update is a result of a new entry created in the interface's routing table.

DNET-RT: route update triggered by after split route pointers in dn_rt_input

The following line indicates that the router sent the unscheduled update on Ethernet 0:

DNET-RT: Sending L1 triggered routes
DNET-RT: Sending L1 triggered routing updates on Ethernet0

The following line indicates that the router removed the entry for node 5 because the adjacency with node 5 timed out, or the route to node 5 through a next-hop router went away:

DNET-RT: removing route to node 5

debug dialer

Use the debug dialer EXEC command to display debugging information about the packets that are received on a dialer interface. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug dialer
no debug dialer
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Table 2-24 describes the error messages that the debug dialer command can generate for a serial interface being used as a V.25bis dialer for dial-on-demand routing (DDR).

Table  2-24: Debug Dialer Message Descriptions for DDR
Message Description
Serial 0: Dialer result = xxxxxxxxxx This message displays the result returned from the V.25bis dialer. It is useful in debugging if calls are failing. On some hardware platforms, this message cannot be displayed due to hardware limitations. Possible values for the xxxxxxxxxx variable depend on the V.25bis device with which the router is communicating.
Serial 0: No dialer string defined. Dialing cannot occur. This message is displayed when a packet is received that should cause a call to be placed. However, there is no dialer string configured, so dialing cannot occur. This message usually indicates a configuration problem.
Serial 0: Attempting to dial xxxxxxxxxx This message indicates that a packet has been received that passes the dial-on-demand access lists. That packet causes dialing of a phone number. The xxxxxxxxxx variable is the number being called.
Serial 0: Unable to dial xxxxxxxxxx This message is displayed if for some reason, the phone call could not be placed. This might be due to a lack of memory, full output queues, or other problems.
Serial 0: disconnecting call This message is displayed when the router attempts to hang up a call.
Serial 0: idle timeout

Serial 0: re-enable timeout

Serial 0: wait for carrier timeout

One of these three messages is displayed when their corresponding dialer timer expires. They are mostly informational, but are useful when debugging a disconnected call or call failure.

When DDR is enabled on the interface, information concerning the cause of any calls (called Dialing cause) may be displayed.

The following line of output for an IP packet lists the name of the DDR interface and the source and destination addresses of the packet:

Dialing cause: Serial0: ip (s= d=

The following line of output for a bridged packet lists the DDR interface and the type of packet (in hexadecimal). For information on these packet types, see the "Ethernet Type Codes" appendix of the Router Products Command Reference publication.

Dialing cause: Serial1: Bridge (0x6005)

debug dlsw

Use the debug dlsw EXEC command to enable debugging of data-link switching (DLSw). The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug dlsw [core | peers | reachability ]
no debug dlsw [core | peers | reachability]
Syntax Description
core (Optional) Enables DLSw core debugging output.
peers (Optional) Enables peer events debugging output.
reachability (Optional) Enables reachability events (explorer traffic) debugging output.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

When you specify no optional keywords, the debug dlsw command enables all available DLSw debugging output.

Sample Display

Figure 2-53 shows sample debug dlsw output.

Figure 2-53: Sample Debug DLSw Output
router# debug dlsw 
DLSw reachability debugging is on
DLSw peer debugging is on
Data Link Switching Core:
  DLSw core XID C/R debugging is on
  DLSw core flow-control  debugging is on
  DLSw core flow-control sender debugging is on
  DLSw core flow-control receiver debugging is on
  DLSw core flow-control sender debugging is on
  DLSw core messages debugging is on
  DLSw core errors debugging is on
  DLSw core states debugging is on
  DLSw core all debugging is on

The lines of output in Figure 2-53 show that all possible debugging is enabled.

debug dspu activation

Use the debug dspu activation EXEC command to display information on downstream physical unit (DSPU) activation. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug dspu activation [name]
no debug dspu activation [
Syntax Description
name (Optional) A host or PU name designation.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The debug dspu activation command displays all DSPU activation traffic. To restrict the output to a specific host or physical unit (PU), include the host or PU name argument. You cannot turn off debugging output for an individual PU if that PU has not been named in the debug dspu activation command.

Sample Display

Figure 2-54 shows sample debug dspu activation output. Not all intermediate numbers are shown for the "activated" and "deactivated" logical unit (LU) address ranges.

Figure 2-54: Sample Debug DSPU Activation Output
router# debug dspu activation 
DSPU: LS HOST3745 connected
DSPU: PU HOST3745 activated
DSPU: LU HOST3745-2 activated
DSPU: LU HOST3745-3 activated
. . .
DSPU: LU HOST3745-253 activated
DSPU: LU HOST3745-254 activated
DSPU: LU HOST3745-2 deactivated
DSPU: LU HOST3745-3 deactivated
. . .
DSPU: LU HOST3745-253 deactivated
DSPU: LU HOST3745-254 deactivated
DSPU: LS HOST3745 disconnected
DSPU: PU HOST3745 deactivated

Table 2-25 describes significant fields in the output shown in Figure 2-54.

Table  2-25: Debug DSPU Activation Field Descriptions
Field Description
DSPU Downstream PU debug message.
LS A link station (LS) event triggered the message.
PU A PU event triggered the message.
LU A logical unit (LU) event triggered the message.
HOST3745 Host name or PU name.
HOST3745-253 Host name or PU name and the LU address, separated by a colon.
Event that occurred to trigger the message.
Related Commands

debug dspu packet
debug dspu state
debug dspu trace

debug dspu packet

Use the debug dspu packet EXEC command to display information on downstream physical unit (DSPU) packet. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug dspu packet [name]
no debug dspu packet [name]
Syntax Description
name (Optional) A host or PU name designation.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The debug dspu packet command displays all DSPU packet data flowing through the router. To restrict the output to a specific host or PU, include the host or PU name argument. You cannot turn off debugging output for an individual PU if that PU has not been named in the debug dspu packet command.

Sample Display

Figure 2-55 shows sample debug dspu packet output.

Figure 2-55: Sample Debug DSPU Packet Output
router# debug dspu packet 
DSPU: Rx: PU HOST3745 data length 12 data:
    2D0003002BE16B80 000D0201
DSPU: Tx: PU HOST3745 data length 25 data:
    2D0000032BE1EB80 000D020100850000 000C060000010000 00
DSPU: Rx: PU HOST3745 data length 12 data:
    2D0004002BE26B80 000D0201
DSPU: Tx: PU HOST3745 data length 25 data:
    2D0000042BE2EB80 000D020100850000 000C060000010000 00

Table 2-26 describes significant fields in the output shown in Figure 2-55.

Table  2-26: Debug DSPU Packet Field Descriptions
Field Description
DSPU: Rx: Received frame (packet) from the remote PU to the router PU.
DSPU: Tx: Transmitted frame (packet) from the router PU to the remote PU.
PU HOST3745 Host name or PU associated with the transmit or receive.
data length 12 data: Number of bytes of data, followed by up to 128 bytes of displayed data.
Related Commands

debug dspu activation
debug dspu state
debug dspu trace

debug dspu state

Use the debug dspu state EXEC command to display information on downstream physical unit (DSPU) finite state machine (FSM) state changes. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug dspu state [name]
no debug dspu state [
Syntax Description
name (Optional) A host or PU name designation.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Use the debug dspu state command to display only the FSM state changes. To see all FSM activity, use the debug dspu trace command. You cannot turn off debugging output for an individual PU if that PU has not been named in the debug dspu state command.

Sample Display

Figure 2-56 shows sample debug dspu state output. Not all intermediate numbers are shown for the "activated" and "deactivated" logical unit (LU) address ranges.

Figure 2-56: Sample Debug DSPU State Output
router# debug dspu state 
DSPU: LS HOST3745: input=StartLs, Reset -> PendConOut
DSPU: LS HOST3745: input=ReqOpn.Cnf, PendConOut -> Xid
DSPU: LS HOST3745: input=Connect.Ind, Xid -> ConnIn
DSPU: LS HOST3745: input=Connected.Ind, ConnIn -> Connected
DSPU: PU HOST3745: input=Actpu, Reset -> Active
DSPU: LU HOST3745-2: input=uActlu, Reset -> upLuActive
DSPU: LU HOST3745-3: input=uActlu, Reset -> upLuActive
. . . 
DSPU: LU HOST3745-253: input=uActlu, Reset -> upLuActive
DSPU: LU HOST3745-254: input=uActlu, Reset -> upLuActive
DSPU: LS HOST3745: input=PuStopped, Connected -> PendDisc
DSPU: LS HOST3745: input=Disc.Cnf, PendDisc -> PendClose
DSPU: LS HOST3745: input=Close.Cnf, PendClose -> Reset
DSPU: PU HOST3745: input=T2ResetPu, Active -> Reset
DSPU: LU HOST3745-2: input=uStopLu, upLuActive -> Reset
DSPU: LU HOST3745-3: input=uStopLu, upLuActive -> Reset
. . . 
DSPU: LU HOST3745-253: input=uStopLu, upLuActive -> Reset
DSPU: LU HOST3745-254: input=uStopLu, upLuActive -> Reset

Table 2-26 describes significant fields in the output shown in Figure 2-56.

Table  2-27: Debug DSPU State Field Descriptions
Field Description
DSPU Downstream PU debug message.
LS A link station (LS) event triggered the message.
PU A PU event triggered the message.
LU A logical unit (LU) event triggered the message.
HOST3745-253 Host name or PU name and LU address.
input=input, The input received by the FSM.
previous-state, -> current-state The previous state and current new state as seen by the FSM.
Related Commands

debug dspu activation
debug dspu packet
debug dspu trace

debug dspu trace

Use the debug dspu trace EXEC command to display information on downstream physical unit (DSPU) trace activity, which includes all finite state machine (FSM) activity. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug dspu trace [name]
no debug dspu trace [
Syntax Description
name (Optional) A host or PU name designation.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Use the debug dspu trace command to display all FSM state changes. To see FSM state changes only, use the debug debug dspu state command. You cannot turn off debugging output for an individual PU if that PU has not been named in the debug dspu trace command.

Sample Display

Figure 2-57 shows sample debug dspu trace output.

Figure 2-57: Sample Debug DSPU Trace Output
router# debug dspu trace 
DSPU: LS HOST3745 input = 0 ->(1,a1)
DSPU: LS HOST3745 input = 5 ->(5,a6)
DSPU: LS HOST3745 input = 7 ->(5,a9)
DSPU: LS HOST3745 input = 9 ->(5,a28)
DSPU: LU HOST3745-2 in:0 s:0->(2,a1)
DSPU: LS HOST3745 input = 19 ->(8,a20)
DSPU: LS HOST3745 input = 18 ->(8,a17)
DSPU: LU HOST3745-3 in:0 s:0->(2,a1)
DSPU: LS HOST3745 input = 19 ->(8,a20)
DSPU: LS HOST3745 input = 18 ->(8,a17)
DSPU: LU HOST3745-252 in:0 s:0->(2,a1)
DSPU: LS HOST3745 input = 19 ->(8,a20)
DSPU: LS HOST3745 input = 18 ->(8,a17)
DSPU: LU HOST3745-253 in:0 s:0->(2,a1)
DSPU: LS HOST3745 input = 19 ->(8,a20)
DSPU: LS HOST3745 input = 18 ->(8,a17)
DSPU: LU HOST3745-254 in:0 s:0->(2,a1)
DSPU: LS HOST3745 input = 19 ->(8,a20)

Table 2-28 describes significant fields in the output shown in Figure 2-57.

Table  2-28: Debug DSPU Trace Field Descriptions
Field Description
7:23:57 Time stamp.
DSPU Downstream PU debug message.
LS A link station (LS) event triggered the message.
PU A PU event triggered the message.
LU A logical unit (LU) event triggered the message.
HOST3745-253 Host name or PU name and LU address.
in:input s:state ->(new-state, action) String describing the following:
input - LU FSM input
state - Current FSM state
new-state - New FSM state
action - FSM action

input=input ->


String describing the following:
input - PU or LS FSM input
new-state - New PU or LS FSM state
action - PU or LS FSM action
Related Commands

debug dspu activation
debug dspu packet
debug dspu state

debug eigrp fsm

Use the debug eigrp fsm EXEC command to display debugging information about Enhanced IGRP feasible successor metrics (FSM). The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug eigrp fsm
no debug eigrp fsm
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command helps you observe Enhanced IGRP feasible successor activity and to determine whether route updates are being installed and deleted by the routing process.

Sample Display

Figure 2-58 shows sample debug eigrp fsm output.

Figure 2-58: Sample Debug EIGRP FSM Output
router# debug eigrp fsm
DUAL: dual_rcvupdate(): via metric 750080/0
DUAL: Find FS for dest FD is 4294967295, RD is 42949
67295 found
DUAL: RT installed via
DUAL: dual_rcvupdate(): via metric 4294967295/
DUAL: Find FS for dest FD is 2249216, RD is 2249216
DUAL: metric 4294967295/4294967295not found Dmin is 4294967295
DUAL: Dest not entering active state.
DUAL: Removing dest, nexthop
DUAL: No routes.  Flushing dest

Explanations for individual lines of output from Figure 2-58 follow.

In the first line of Figure 2-58, DUAL stands for Diffusing Update ALgorithm. It is the basic mechanism within Enhanced IGRP that makes the routing decisions.The next three fields are the Internet address and mask of the destination network and the address through which the update was received. The metric field shows the metric stored in the routing table and the metric advertised by the neighbor sending the information. "Metric ... inaccessible" usually means that the neighbor router no longer has a route to the destination, or the destination is in holddown.

In the following output, Enhanced IGRP is attempting to find a feasible successor for the destination. Feasible successors are part of the DUAL loop avoidance methods. The FD field contains more loop avoidance state information. The RD field is the reported distance, which is the metric used in update, query or reply packets.

The indented line with the "not found" message means a feasible successor (FS) was not found for and EIGRP must start a diffusing computation. This means it begins to actively probe (sends query packets about destination the network looking for alternate paths to

DUAL: Find FS for dest FD is 2249216, RD is 2249216
DUAL: metric 4294967295/4294967295not found Dmin is 4294967295

The following output indicates the route DUAL successfully installed into the routing table.

DUAL: RT installed via

The following output shows that no routes were discovered to the destination and the route information is being removed from the topology table.

DUAL: Dest not entering active state.
DUAL: Removing dest, nexthop
DUAL: No routes.  Flushing dest

debug eigrp packet

Use the debug eigrp packet EXEC command to display general debugging information. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug eigrp packet
no debug eigrp packet
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

If a communication session is closing when it should not be, an end-to-end connection problem can be the cause. The debug eigrp packet command is useful for analyzing the messages traveling between the local and remote hosts.

Sample Display

Figure 2-59 shows sample debug eigrp packet output.

Figure 2-59: Sample Debug EIGRP Packet Output
router# debug eigrp packet
EIGRP: Sending HELLO on Ethernet0/1
       AS 109, Flags 0x0, Seq 0, Ack 0
EIGRP: Sending HELLO on Ethernet0/1
       AS 109, Flags 0x0, Seq 0, Ack 0
EIGRP: Sending HELLO on Ethernet0/1
       AS 109, Flags 0x0, Seq 0, Ack 0
EIGRP: Received UPDATE on Ethernet0/1 from,
       AS 109, Flags 0x1, Seq 1, Ack 0
EIGRP: Sending HELLO/ACK on Ethernet0/1 to,
       AS 109, Flags 0x0, Seq 0, Ack 1
EIGRP: Sending HELLO/ACK on Ethernet0/1 to,
       AS 109, Flags 0x0, Seq 0, Ack 1
EIGRP: Received UPDATE on Ethernet0/1 from,
       AS 109, Flags 0x0, Seq 2, Ack 0

The output shows transmission and receipt of Enhanced IGRP packets. These packet types may be HELLO, UPDATE, REQUEST, QUERY, or REPLY packets. The sequence and acknowledgement numbers used by the Enhanced IGRP reliable transport algorithm are shown in the output. Where applicable, the network layer address of the neighboring router is also included.

Table 2-29 describes significant fields in the output shown in Figure 2-59.

Table  2-29: Debug EIGRP Packet Field Descriptions
Field Description
EIGRP: An Enhanced IGRP packet.
AS n Autonomous system number.
Flags nxn A flag of 1 means the sending router is indicating to the receiving router that this is the first packet it has sent to the receiver.

A flag of 2 is a multicast that should be conditionally received by routers that have the conditionally-receive (CR) bit set. This bit gets set when the sender of the multicast has previously sent a sequence packet explicitly telling it to set the CR bit.

HELLO The hello packets are the neighbor discovery packets. They are used to determine whether neighbors are still alive. As long as neighbors receive the hello packets the router is sending, the neighbors validate the router and any routing information sent. If neighbors lose the hello packets, the receiving neighbors invalidate any routing information previously sent. Neighbors also transmit hello packets.

debug frame-relay

Use the debug frame-relay EXEC command to display debugging information about the packets that are received on a Frame Relay interface. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug frame-relay
no debug frame-relay
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command helps you analyze the packets that have been received. However, because the debug frame-relay command generates a lot of output, only use it when traffic on the Frame Relay network is less than 25 packets per second.

To analyze the packets that have been sent on a Frame Relay interface, use the debug frame-relay packets command.

Sample Display

Figure 2-60 shows sample debug frame-relay output.

Figure 2-60: Sample Debug Frame-Relay Output
router# debug frame-relay
Serial0(i): dlci 500(0x7C41), pkt type 0x809B, datagramsize 24
Serial1(i): dlci 1023(0xFCF1), pkt type 0x309, datagramsize 13
Serial0(i): dlci 500(0x7C41), pkt type 0x809B, datagramsize 24
Serial1(i): dlci 1023(0xFCF1), pkt type 0x309, datagramsize 13
Serial0(i): dlci 500(0x7C41), pkt type 0x809B, datagramsize 24

Table 2-30 describes significant fields shown in Figure 2-60.

Table  2-30: Debug Frame-Relay Field Descriptions
Field Description
Serial0(i): Indicates that the Serial0 interface has received this Frame Relay datagram as input.

dlci 500(0x7C41)

Indicates the value of the data link connection identifier (DLCI) for this packet in decimal (and q922). In this case, 500 has been configured as the multicast DLCI.

pkt type 0x809B Indicates the packet type code.

Possible supported signaling message codes follow:

0x308--Signaling message; valid only with a DLCI of 0.

0x309--LMI message; valid only with a DLCI of 1023

Possible supported Ethernet type codes follow:

0x0201--IP on 3MB net

0x0201--Xerox ARP on 10MB nets

0xCC--RFC 1294 (only for IP)


0x0800--IP on 10 MB net

0x0806--IP ARP

0x0808--Frame Relay ARP


0x0BAE--VINES loopback protocol

0x0BAF--VINES Echo

0x6001--DEC MOP booting protocol

0x6002--DEC MOP console protocol

0x6003--DECnet Phase IV on Ethernet

0x6004--DEC LAT on Ethernet

0x8005--HP Probe


0x8038--DEC spanning tree

0x809b--Apple EtherTalk

0x80f3--AppleTalk ARP

0x8019--Apollo domain

0x80C4--VINES IP



0x9000--Ethernet loopback packet IP

pkt type 0x809B (continued) Possible HDLC type codes follow:

0x1A58-- IPX, standard form



0x1998--Uncompressed TCP

0x1999--Compressed TCP

0x6558--Serial line bridging

datagramsize 24 Indicates size of this datagram in bytes.

debug frame-relay events

Use the debug frame-relay events EXEC command to display debugging information about Frame Relay ARP replies on networks that support a multicast channel and use dynamic addressing. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug frame-relay events
no debug frame-relay events
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command is useful for identifying the cause of end-to-end connection problems during the installation of a Frame Relay network or node.

Note Because the debug frame-relay events command does not generate much output, you can use it at any time, even during periods of heavy traffic, without adversely affecting other users on the system.
Sample Display

Figure 2-61 shows sample debug frame-relay events output.

Figure 2-61: Sample Debug Frame-Relay Events Output
router# debug frame-relay events
Serial2(i): reply rcvd 126
Serial2(i): reply rcvd 128
Serial2(i): reply rcvd 134
Serial2(i): reply rcvd 144
Serial2(i): reply rcvd 228
Serial2(i): reply rcvd 325

As Figure 2-61 shows, debug frame-relay events returns one specific message type. The first line, for example, indicates that IP address sent a Frame Relay ARP reply; this packet was received as input on the Serial2 interface. The last field (126) is the data link connection identifier (DLCI) to use when communicating with the responding router.

debug frame-relay lmi

Use the debug frame-relay lmi EXEC command to display information on the local management interface (LMI) packets exchanged by the router and the Frame Relay service provider. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug frame-relay lmi
no debug frame-relay lmi
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

You can use this command to determine whether the router and the Frame Relay switch are sending and receiving LMI packets properly.

Note Because the debug frame-relay lmi command does not generate much output, you can use it at any time, even during periods of heavy traffic, without adversely affecting other users on the system.
Sample Display

Figure 2-62 shows sample debug frame-relay lmi output.

Figure 2-62: Sample Debug Frame-Relay LMI Output

In Figure 2-62, the first four lines describe an LMI exchange. The first line describes the LMI request the router has sent to the switch. The second line describes the LMI reply the router has received from the switch. The third and fourth lines describe the response to this request from the switch. This LMI exchange is followed by two similar LMI exchanges. The last six lines in Figure 2-62 consist of a full LMI status message that includes a description of the router's two permanent virtual circuits (PVCs).

Table 2-31 describes significant fields in the first line of the debug frame-relay lmi output shown in Figure 2-62.

Table  2-31: Debug Frame-Relay LMI Field Descriptions--Part 1
Field Description
Serial1(out) Indication that the LMI request was sent out on the Serial1 interface.
StEnq Command mode of message:

StEnq--Status inquiry

Status--Status reply

clock 20212760 System clock (in milliseconds). Useful for determining whether an appropriate amount of time has transpired between events.
myseq 206 The myseq counter maps to the router's CURRENT SEQ counter.
yourseen 136 The yourseen counter maps to the LAST RCVD SEQ counter of the switch.
DTE up Line protocol up/down state for the DTE (user) port.

Table 2-32 describes significant fields in the third and fourth lines of debug frame-relay lmi output shown in Figure 2-62.

Table  2-32: Debug Frame-Relay LMI Field Descriptions--Part 2
Field Description
RT IE 1 Value of the report type information element.
length 1 Length of the report type information element (in bytes).
type 1 Report type in RT IE.
KA IE 3 Value of the keepalive information element.
length 2 Length of the keepalive information element (in bytes).
yourseq 138 The yourseq counter maps to the CURRENT SEQ counter of the switch.
myseq 206 The myseq counter maps to the router's CURRENT SEQ counter.

Table 2-33 describes significant fields in the last line of debug frame-relay lmi output shown in Figure 2-62.

Table  2-33: Debug Frame-Relay LMI Field Descriptions--Part 3
Field Description
PVC IE 0x7 Value of the permanent virtual circuit information element type.
length 0x6 Length of the PVC IE (in bytes).
dlci 401 DLCI decimal value for this PVC.
status 0 Status value. Possible values include the following:






bw 56000 CIR (committed information rate), in decimal, for the DLCI.

debug frame-relay packets

Use the debug frame-relay packets EXEC command to display information on packets that have been sent on a Frame Relay interface. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug frame-relay packets
no debug frame-relay packets
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command helps you analyze the packets that are sent on a Frame Relay interface. Because the debug frame-relay packets command generates large amounts of output, only use it when traffic on the Frame Relay network is less than 25 packets per second.

To analyze the packets received on a Frame Relay interface, use the debug frame-relay command.

Sample Display

Figure 2-63 shows sample debug frame-relay packets output.

Figure 2-63: Sample Debug Frame-Relay Packets Output

As Figure 2-63 shows, debug frame-relay packets output consists of groups of output lines; each group describes a Frame Relay packet that has been sent. The number of lines in the group can vary, depending on the number of data link connection identifiers (DLCIs) on which the packet was sent. For example, the first two pairs of output lines describe two different packets, both of which were sent out on a single DLCI. The last three lines in Figure 2-63 describe a single Frame Relay packet that was sent out on two DLCIs.

Table 2-34 describes significant fields shown in the first pair of output lines in Figure 2-63.

Table  2-34: Debug Frame-Relay Packets Field Descriptions
Field Description
Serial0: Interface that has sent the Frame Relay packet.
broadcast = 1 Destination of the packet. Possible values include the following:

broadcast = 1--Broadcast address

broadcast = 0--Particular destination

broadcast search--Searches all Frame Relay map entries for this particular protocol that include the keyword broadcast.

link 809B Link type, as documented under debug frame relay.
addr 65535.255 Destination protocol address for this packet. In this case, it is an AppleTalk address.
Serial0(o): (o) indicates that this is an output event.
DLCI 500 Decimal value of the DLCI.
type 809B Packet type, as documented under debug frame-relay.
size 24 Size of this packet (in bytes).

Explanations for other lines of output shown in Figure 2-63 follow:

The following lines describe a Frame Relay packet sent to a particular address; in this case AppleTalk address 10.2:

Serial0: broadcast - 0, link 809B, addr 10.2
Serial0(o):DLCI 100 type 809B size 104

The following lines describe a Frame Relay packet that went out on two different DLCIs, because two Frame Relay map entries were found:

Serial0: broadcast search
Serial0(o):DLCI 300 type 809B size 24
Serial0(o):DLCI 400 type 809B size 24

The following lines do not appear in Figure 2-63. They describe a Frame Relay packet sent to a true broadcast address.

Serial1: broadcast search
Serial1(o):DLCI 400 type 800 size 288

debug ip dvmrp

Use the debug ip dvmrp EXEC command to display information on Distance Vector Multiprotocol Routing Protocol (DVMRP) packets received and transmitted. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip dvmrp [detail]
no debug ip dvmrp
Syntax Description
detail (Optional) Enables a more detailed level of output and displays packet contents.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Use the debug ip dvmrp detail command with care. This command generates a great deal of output and can interrupt other activity on the router when it is invoked.

Sample Display

Figure 2-64 shows sample debug ip dvmrp output.

Figure 2-64: Sample Debug IP DVMRP Output
router# debug ip dvmrp
DVMRP: Received Report on Ethernet0 from
DVMRP: Received Report on Ethernet0 from
DVMRP: Building Report for Ethernet0
DVMRP: Send Report on Ethernet0 to
DVMRP: Sending IGMP Reports for known groups on Ethernet0
DVMRP: Received Report on Ethernet0 from
DVMRP: Received Report on Tunnel0 from
DVMRP: Received Report on Tunnel0 from
DVMRP: Received Report on Tunnel0 from
DVMRP: Received Report on Tunnel0 from
DVMRP: Received Report on Tunnel0 from
DVMRP: Received Report on Tunnel0 from
DVMRP: Building Report for Tunnel0
DVMRP: Send Report on Tunnel0 to
DVMRP: Send Report on Tunnel0 to
DVMRP: Send Report on Tunnel0 to
DVMRP: Send Report on Tunnel0 to
DVMRP: Radix tree walk suspension
DVMRP: Send Report on Tunnel0 to

Explanations for individual lines of output from Figure 2-64 follow.

The following lines show that the router received DVMRP routing information and placed it in the mroute table:

DVMRP: Received Report on Ethernet0 from
DVMRP: Received Report on Ethernet0 from

The following lines show that the router is creating a report to send to other DVMRP router:

DVMRP: Building Report for Ethernet0
DVMRP: Send Report on Ethernet0 to

Table 2-35 provides a list of internet multicast addresses supported for host IP implementations.

Table  2-35: Internet Multicast Addresses
Address Description RFC Base address (Reserved) RFC 1112 All systems on this subnet RFC 1112 All routers on this subnet Unassigned DVMRP routers RFC 1075 OSPFIGP all routers RFC 1583

The following lines show that a protocol update report has been sent to all known multicast groups. Hosts use IGMP reports to communiate with routers and to request to join a multicast group. In this case, the router is sending an IGMP report for every known group to the host, which is running mrouted. The host the responds as though the router was a host on the LAN segment that wants to receive multicast packets for the group.

DVMRP: Sending IGMP Reports for known groups on Ethernet0

Figure 2-65 shows sample debug ip dvmrp detail output.

Figure 2-65: Sample Debug IP DVMRP Detail Output
router# debug ip dvmrp detail 
DVMRP: Sending IGMP Reports for known groups on Ethernet0
DVMRP: Advertise group on Ethernet0
DVMRP: Advertise group on Ethernet0
DVMRP: Advertise group on Ethernet0
DVMRP: Received Report on Tunnel0 from
DVMRP: Origin, metric 13, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 13, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 13, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 13, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 12, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 12, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 12, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 8, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 12, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 12, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 8, distance 0

Explanations for individual lines of output from Figure 2-65 follow.

The following lines show that this group is available to the DVMRP router. The mrouted process on the host will forward the S,G information for theis group through the DVMRP cloud so other members will know this S,G is available.

DVMRP: Advertise group on Ethernet0

The following lines show the DVMRP route information:

DVMRP: Origin, metric 13, distance 0
DVMRP: Origin, metric 13, distance 0

Metric is the number of hops the route has covered. Distance is the administrative distance.

debug ip eigrp

Use the debug ip eigrp EXEC command to display information on Enhanced IGRP protocol packets. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip eigrp
no debug ip eigrp
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command helps you analyze the packets that are sent and received on an interface. Because the debug ip eigrp command generates large amounts of output, only use it when traffic on the network is light.

Sample Display

Figure 2-66 shows sample debug ip eigrp output.

Figure 2-66: Sample Debug IP EIGRP Output
router# debug ip eigrp
IP-EIGRP: Processing incoming UPDATE packet
IP-EIGRP: Ext M 386560 - 256000 130560 SM 360960 - 256
000 104960
IP-EIGRP: Ext M 386560 - 256000 130560 SM 360960 - 256
000 104960
IP-EIGRP: Ext M 386560 - 256000 130560 SM 360960 - 256
000 104960
IP-EIGRP:, - do advertise out Ethernet0/1
IP-EIGRP: Ext metric 371200 - 256000 115200
IP-EIGRP:, - do advertise out Ethernet0/1
IP-EIGRP: Ext metric 46310656 - 45714176 596480
IP-EIGRP:, - do advertise out Ethernet0/1
IP-EIGRP: Ext metric 2272256 - 1657856 614400
IP-EIGRP:, - do advertise out Ethernet0/1
IP-EIGRP: Ext metric 40622080 - 40000000 622080
IP-EIGRP:, - do advertise out Ethernet0/1

Table 2-36 describes significant fields in the debug messages shown in Figure 2-66.

Table  2-36: Debug IP EIGRP Field Descriptions
Field Description
IP-EIGRP: Indicates that this is an IP Enhanced IGRP packet.
Ext Indicates the following address is an external destination rather than an internal destination, which would be labeled as Int.
M Shows the computed metric, which includes SM and the cost between this router and the neighbor. The first number is the composite metric. The next two numbers are the inverse bandwidth and the delay, respectively.
SM Shows the metric as reported by the neighbor.

debug ip icmp

Use the debug ip icmp EXEC command to display information on Internal Control Message Protocol (ICMP) transactions. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip icmp
no debug ip icmp
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command helps you determine whether the router is sending or receiving ICMP messages. Use it, for example, when you are troubleshooting an end-to-end connection problem.

Sample Display

Figure 2-67 shows sample debug ip icmp output.

Figure 2-67: Sample Debug IP ICMP Output
router# debug ip icmp
ICMP: rcvd type 3, code 1, from
ICMP: src, dst, echo reply
ICMP: dst ( port unreachable rcv from
ICMP: src, dst, echo reply
ICMP: dst ( protocol unreachable rcv from
ICMP: dst ( port unreachable rcv from
ICMP: dst ( protocol unreachable rcv from
ICMP: dst ( port unreachable rcv from
ICMP: src, dst, echo reply
ICMP: dst ( port unreachable rcv from
ICMP: dst ( protocol unreachable rcv from
ICMP: dst ( port unreachable rcv from

Table 2-37 describes significant fields in the first line of debug ip icmp output shown in Figure 2-67.

Table  2-37: Debug IP ICMP Field Descriptions--Part 1
Field Description
ICMP: Indication that this message describes an ICMP packet.
rcvd type 3 The type field can be one of the following:

0--Echo Reply

3--Destination Unreachable

4--Source Quench



9--Router Discovery Protocol Advertisement

10--Router Discovery Protocol Solicitations

11--Time Exceeded

12--Parameter Problem


14--Timestamp Reply

15--Information Request

16--Information Reply

17--Mask Request

18--Mask Reply

code 1 This field is a code. The meaning of the code depends upon the type field value:

Echo and Echo Reply--The code field is always zero.

Destination Unreachable--The code field can have the following values:

0--Network unreachable

1--Host unreachable

2--Protocol unreachable

3--Port unreachable

4--Fragmentation needed and DF bit set

5--Source route failed

Source Quench--The code field is always 0.

Redirect--The code field can have the following values:

0--Redirect datagrams for the network

1--Redirect datagrams for the host

2--Redirect datagrams for the command mode of service and network

3--Redirect datagrams for the command mode of service and host

Router Discovery Protocol Advertisements and Solicitations--The code field is always zero.

code 1 (continued) Time Exceeded--The code field can have the following values:

0--Time to live exceeded in transit

1--Fragment reassembly time exceeded

Parameter Problem--The code field can have the following values:

0--General problem

1--Option is missing

2--Option missing, no room to add

Timestamp and Timestamp Reply--The code field is always zero.

Information Request and Information Reply--The code field is always zero.

Mask Request and Mask Reply--The code field is always zero.

from Source address of the ICMP packet.

Table 2-38 describes significant fields in the second line of debug ip icmp output in Figure 2-67.

Table  2-38: Debug IP ICMP Field Descriptions--Part 2
Field Description
ICMP: Indication that this message describes an ICMP packet
src The address of the sender of the echo
dst The address of the receiving router
echo reply Indication the router received an echo reply

Other messages that the debug ip icmp command can generate follow.

When an IP router or host sends out an ICMP mask request, the following message is generated when the router sends a mask reply:

ICMP: sending mask reply ( to via Ethernet0

The following two lines are examples of the two forms of this message. The first form is generated when a mask reply comes in after the router sends out a mask request. The second form occurs when the router receives a mask reply with a nonmatching sequence and ID. See Appendix I of RFC 950, "Internet Standard Subnetting Procedures," for details.

ICMP: mask reply from
ICMP: unexpected mask reply from

The following output indicates that the router sent a redirect packet to the host at address, instructing that host to use the gateway at address in order to reach the host at destination address

ICMP: redirect sent to for dest use gw

The following message indicates that the router received a redirect packet from the host at address, instructing the router to use the gateway at address in order to reach the host at destination address

ICMP: redirect rcvd from -- for use gw

The following message is displayed when the router sends an ICMP packet to the source address ( in this case), indicating that the destination address ( in this case) is unreachable:

ICMP: dst ( host unreachable sent to

The following message is displayed when the router receives an ICMP packet from an intermediate address ( in this case), indicating that the destination address ( in this case) is unreachable:

ICMP: dst ( host unreachable rcv from

Depending on the code received (as Table 2-37 describes), any of the unreachable messages can have any of the following "strings" instead of the "host" string in the message:

frag. needed and DF set
source route failed

The following message is displayed when the TTL in the IP header reaches zero and a time exceed ICMP message is sent. The fields are self-explanatory.

ICMP: time exceeded (time to live) send to (dest was

The following message is generated when parameters in the IP header are corrupted in some way and the parameter problem ICMP message is sent. The fields are self-explanatory.

ICMP: parameter problem sent to (dest was

Based on the preceding information, the remaining output can be easily understood.

ICMP: parameter problem rcvd
ICMP: source quench rcvd
ICMP: source quench sent to (dest was
ICMP: sending time stamp reply to
ICMP: sending info reply to
ICMP: rdp advert rcvd type 9, code 0, from
ICMP: rdp solicit rcvd type 10, code 0, from

Note For more information about the fields in debug ip icmp output, see RFC-792, "Internet Control Message Protocol"; Appendix I of RFC-950, "Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure"; and RFC-1256, "ICMP Router Discovery Messages."

debug ip igmp

Use the debug ip igmp EXEC command to display Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) packets received and transmitted, as well as IGMP-host related events. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip igmp
no debug ip igmp
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Notes

This command helps discover whether the IGMP processes are functioning. In general, if IGMP is not working, the router process never discovers that there is another host on the network that is configured to receive multicast packets. In dense mode this means the packets will be delivered intermittently (a few every 3 minutes). In sparse mode they will never be delivered.

Use this command in conjunction with debug ip pim and debug ip mrouting to observe additional multicast activity and to see what is happening the the multicast routing process, or why packets are forwarded out of particular interfaces.

Sample Display

Figure 2-68 shows sample debug ip igmp output.

Figure 2-68: Sample Debug IP IGMP Output
router# debug ip igmp 
IGMP: Received Host-Query from (Ethernet1) 
IGMP: Received Host-Report from (Ethernet1) for 
IGMP: Received Host-Report from (Ethernet1) for 
IGMP: Received Host-Report from (Ethernet1) for 

The messages displayed by the debug ip igmp command show query and report activity received from other routers and multicast group addresses.

Related Commands

debug ip pim
debug ip mrouting

debug ip igrp events

Use the debug ip igrp events EXEC command to display summary information on Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) routing messages that indicates the source and destination of each update, as well as the number of routes in each update. Messages are not generated for each route. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip igrp events [ip-address]
no debug ip igrp events [ip-address]
Syntax Description
ip-address (Optional) IP address of an IGRP neighbor.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

If the IP address of an IGRP neighbor is specified, the resulting debug ip igrp events output includes messages describing updates from that neighbor and updates that the router broadcasts toward that neighbor.

This command is particularly useful when there are many networks in your routing table. In this case, using debug ip igrp transaction could flood the console and make the router unusable. Use debug ip igrp events instead to display summary routing information.

Sample Display

Figure 2-69 shows sample debug ip igrp events output.

Figure 2-69: Sample Debug IP IGRP Events Output

Figure 2-69 shows that the router has sent two updates to the broadcast address The router also received two updates. Three lines of output describe each of these updates.

The first line indicates whether the router sent or received the update packet, the source or destination address, and the interface through which the update was sent or received. If the update was sent, the IP address assigned to this interface is shown (in parentheses).

IGRP: sending update to via Ethernet1 (

The second line summarizes the number and types of routes described in the update:

IGRP: Update contains 26 interior, 40 system, and 3 exterior routes.

The third line indicates the total number of routes described in the update.

IGRP: Total routes in update: 69

debug ip igrp transaction

Use the debug ip igrp transaction EXEC command to display transaction information on Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) routing transactions. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip igrp transaction [ip-address]
no debug ip igrp transaction [ip-address]
Syntax Description
ip-address (Optional) IP address of an IGRP neighbor.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

If the IP address of an IGRP neighbor is specified, the resulting debug ip igrp transaction output includes messages describing updates from that neighbor and updates that the router broadcasts toward that neighbor.

When there are many networks in your routing table, debug ip igrp transaction can flood the console and make the router unusable. In this case, use debug ip igrp events instead to display summary routing information.

Sample Display

Figure 2-70 shows sample debug ip igrp transaction output.

Figure 2-70: Sample Debug IP IGRP Transaction Output

Figure 2-70 shows that the router being debugged has received updates from two other routers on the network. The router at source address sent information about ten destinations in the update; the router at source address sent information about three destinations in its update. The router being debugged also sent updates--in both cases to the broadcast address as the destination address.

The first line in Figure 2-70 is self-explanatory.

On the second line in Figure 2-70, the first field refers to the type of destination information: "subnet" (interior), "network" (system), or "exterior" (exterior). The second field is the Internet address of the destination network. The third field is the metric stored in the routing table and the metric advertised by the neighbor sending the information. "Metric ... inaccessible" usually means that the neighbor router has put the destination in holddown.

The entries in Figure 2-70 show that the router is sending updates that are similar, except that the numbers in parentheses are the source addresses used in the IP header. A metric of 16777215 is inaccessible.

Other examples of output that the debug ip igrp transaction command can produce follow.

The following entry indicates that the routing table was updated and shows the new edition number (97 in this case) to be used in the next IGRP update:

IGRP: edition is now 97

Entries such as the following occur on startup or when some event occurs such as an interface transitioning or a user manually clearing the routing table:

IGRP: broadcasting request on Ethernet0
IGRP: broadcasting request on Ethernet1

The following type of entry can result when routing updates become corrupted between sending and receiving routers:

IGRP: bad checksum from

An entry such as the following should never appear. If it does, the receiving router has a bug in the software or a problem with the hardware. In either case, contact your technical support representative.

IGRP: system 45 from, should be system 109

Use the debug ip mpacket EXEC command to display only IP multicast packets received and transmitted.The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip mpacket [group]
no debug ip mpacket [
Syntax Description
group (Optional) Group name or address to monitor a single group's packet activity.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command displays information for multicast IP packets that are forwarded from this router. By using the optional group, you can limit the display to a specific multicast group.

Use this command with debug ip packet to observe additional packet information.

Note The debug ip mpacket command generates lots of messages. Use with care so that performance on the network is not affected by the debug message traffic.
Sample Display

Figure 2-71 shows sample debug ip mpacket output.

Figure 2-71: Sample Debug IP Mpacket Output
router# debug ip mpacket 
IP: s= (Ethernet1), d= (Tunnel0), len 88, mforward 
IP: s= (Ethernet1), d= (Tunnel0), len 88, mforward 
IP: s= (Ethernet1), d= (Tunnel0), len 88, mforward 
IP: s= (Ethernet1), d= (Tunnel0), len 68, mforward 

Table 2-39 defines fields shown in Figure 2-71.

Table  2-39: Debug IP Mpacket Field Descriptions
Field Description
IP An IP packet.
s= address The source address of the packet.
(Ethernet1) The name of the interface that received the packet.
d= address The multicast group address that is the destination for this packet.
(Tunnel0) The outgoing interface for the packet.
len 88 The number of bytes in the packet. This value will vary depending on the application and the media.
mforward The packet has been forwarded.
not RPF interface The interface is not a reverse packet forwarding interface. (See debug ip mrouting.)
RPF lookup failed The reverse packet forwarding lookup failed. (See debug ip mrouting.)
Related Commands

debug ip dvmrp
debug ip igmp
debug ip mrouting
debug ip packet
debug ip sd

debug ip mcache

Use the debug ip mcache command to display IP multicast fast-switching events. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip mcache [name | address]
no debug ip mcache
Syntax Description
type (Optional) Interface type.
number (Optional) Interface number.

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Use this command when multicast fast-switching appears not to be functioning.

Sample Display

Figure 2-72 shows sample debug ip mcache output when an IP multicast route is cleared.

Figure 2-72: Sample Debug IP Mcache Output
router# debug ip mcache
IP multicast fast-switching debugging is on
router#clear ip mroute *
MRC: Build MAC header for (,, Ethernet0
MRC: Fast-switch flag for (,, off -> on, caller ip_mroute_replicate-1
MRC: Build MAC header for (,, Ethernet0
MRC: Build MAC header for (,, Ethernet0

Table 2-40 provides explanations for representative lines of the debug ip mcache output shown in Figure 2-72.

Table  2-40: Debug IP Mcache Descriptions
Field Description
MRC Multicast route cache.
Fast-switch flag Route is fast-switched.
(address/32) Host route with 32 bits of mask.
off -> on State has changed.
caller string The code function that activated the state change.
Related Commands

debug ip dvmrp
debug ip igmp
debug ip igrp transaction
debug ip mrouting
debug ip sd

debug ip mrouting

Use the debug ip mrouting EXEC command to display changes to the IP multicast routing table. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip mrouting [group]
no debug ip mrouting [group]
Syntax Description
group (Optional) Group name or address to monitor a single group's packet activity.
Command Mode


Usage Notes

This command tells when the router has made changes to the mroute table. Use the debug ip pim and debug ip mrouting commands at the same time to obtain additional multicast routing information. In addition, use the debug ip igmp command to see why an mroute message is being displayed.

This command generates a large amount of output. Use the optional group to limit the output to a single multicast group.

Sample Display

Figure 2-73 shows sample debug ip mrouting output.

Figure 2-73: Sample Debug IP Mrouting Output
router# debug ip mrouting 
IP multicast routing debugging is on 
MRT: Delete (, 
MRT: Delete (, 
MRT: Delete (, 
MRT: Delete (, 
MRT: Delete (, 
MRT: Create (*,, if_input NULL 
MRT: Create (,, if_input Ethernet0, RPF nbr
MRT: Create (,, if_input Ethernet1, RPF nbr
MRT: Create (,, if_input Ethernet1, RPF nbr 
MRT: Create (,, if_input Ethernet1, RPF nbr 
MRT: Create (,, if_input Ethernet1, RPF nbr 
MRT: Create (,, if_input Ethernet1, RPF nbr 
MRT: Create (,, if_input Ethernet1, RPF nbr 

Explanations for individual lines of output from Figure 2-73 follow.

The following lines show that multicast IP routes were deleted from the routing table:

MRT: Delete (, 
MRT: Delete (, 
MRT: Delete (, 

The *,G entry in the following line is always null since it is a *,G. The *,G entries are generally created by receipt of an IGMP host-report from a group member on the directly connected lan or by a PIM join message (in sparse mode) which this router receives from a router that is sending joins toward the RP. This router will in turn, send a join toward the RP which creates the shared tree (or RP tree).

MRT: Create (*,, if_input NULL 

The following lines are an example of creating an S,G entry that show a mpacket was received on E0. The second line shows a route being created for a source that is on a directly connected LAN. The RPF means "reverse path forwarding," whereby the router looks up the source address of the multicast packet in the unicast routing table and asks which interface will be used to send a packet to that source.

MRT: Create (,, if_input Ethernet0, RPF nbr
MRT: Create (,, if_input Ethernet1, RPF nbr

The following lines show that multicast IP routes were added to the routing table. Note the as the RPF, which means the route was created by a source that is directly connected to this router.

MRT: Create (,, if_input Ethernet1, RPF nbr 
MRT: Create (,, if_input Ethernet1, RPF nbr 

If the source is not directly connected, the nbr address shown in these lines will be the address of the router that forwarded the packet to this router.

The shortest path tree state maintained in routers consists of source (S), multicast address (G), outgoing interface (OIF), and incoming interface (IIF). The forwarding information is referred to as the multicast forwarding entry for (S,G).

An entry for a shared tree can match packets from any source for its associated group if the packets come through the proper incoming interface as determined by the RPF lookup. Such an entry is denoted as (*,G). A (*,G) entry keeps the same information a (S,G) entry keeps, except that it saves the rendezvous point (RP) address in place of the source address in sparse mode or in dense mode.

Related Commands

debug ip dvmrp
debug ip igmp
debug ip pim
debug ip packet
debug ip sd

debug ip ospf events

Use the debug ip ospf events EXEC command to display information on Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)-related events, such as adjacencies, flooding information, designated router selection, and shortest path first (SPF) calculation. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip ospf events
no debug ip ospf events
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Sample Display

Figure 2-74 shows sample debug ip ospf events output.

Figure 2-74: Sample Debug IP OSPF Events Output
router# debug ip ospf-events
OSPF:hello with invalid timers on interface Ethernet0
hello interval received 10  configured 10
net mask received  configured
dead interval received 40  configured 30

The debug ip ospf events output shown in Figure 2-74 might appear if any of the following occurs:

If a router configured for OSPF routing is not seeing an OSPF neighbor on an attached network, do the following:

In the following example line, the neighbor and this router are not part of a stub area (that is, one is a part of a transit area and the other is a part of a stub area, as explained in RFC 1247).

OSPF: hello packet with mismatched E bit
Related Command

debug ip ospf packet

debug ip ospf packet

Use the debug ip ospf packet EXEC command to display information about each Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) packet received. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

[no] debug ip ospf packet
Sample Display

Figure 2-75 shows sample debug ip ospf packet output.

Figure 2-75: Sample Debug IP OSPF Packet Output
router# debug ip ospf packet
OSPF: rcv. v:2 t:1 l:48 rid:
      aid: chk:6AB2 aut:0 auk:

The debug ip ospf packet command produces one set of information for each packet received. The output varies slightly depending on which authentication is used. Figure 2-76 shows sample debug ip ospf packet output when MD5 authentication is used.

Figure 2-76: Sample Debug IP OSPF Packet Output--MD5 Authentication
router# debug ip ospf packet
OSPF: rcv. v:2 t:1 l:48 rid:
      aid: chk:0 aut:2 keyid:1 seq:0x0

Table 2-41 describes the fields shown in Figure 2-75 and Figure 2-76.

Table 2-41: Debug IP OSPF Packet Field Descriptions (Continued)
Field Description
v: OSPF version.
t: OSPF packet type. Possible packet types follow:


2--Data description

3--Link state request

4--Link state update

5--Link state acknowledgment

l: OSPF packet length in bytes.
rid: OSPF router ID.
aid: OSPF area ID.
chk: OSPF checksum.
aut: OSPF authentication type. Possible authentication types follow:

0--No authentication

1--Simple password


auk: OSPF authentication key.
keyid: MD5 key ID.
seq: Sequence number.
Related Command

debug ip ospf events

debug ip packet

Use the debug ip packet EXEC command to display general IP debugging information and IP security option (IPSO) security transactions. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip packet [access-list-number]
no debug ip packet [access-list-number]
Syntax Description
access-list-number (Optional) IP access list number that you can specify. If the datagram is not permitted by that access list, the related debugging output is suppressed.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

If a communication session is closing when it should not be, an end-to-end connection problem can be the cause. The debug ip packet command is useful for analyzing the messages traveling between the local and remote hosts.

IP debugging information includes packets received, generated, and forwarded. Fast-switched packets do not generate messages.

IPSO security transactions include messages that describe the cause of failure each time a datagram fails a security test in the system. This information is also sent to the sending host when the router configuration allows it.

Note Because the debug ip packet command generates a significant amount of output, use it only when traffic on the IP network is low, so other activity on the system is not adversely affected.
Sample Display

Figure 2-77 shows sample debug ip packet output.

Figure 2-77: Sample Debug IP Packet Output
router# debug ip packet
IP: s= (Fddi0), d= (Serial2), g=, forward
IP: s= (Ethernet4), d= (Serial2), g=, forward
IP: s= (Ethernet4), d=, rcvd 2
IP: s= (Ethernet4), d= (Fddi0), g=, forward
IP: s= (Ethernet2), d= (Serial2), g=, forward
IP: s= (Ethernet4), d= (Fddi1), g=, forward
IP: s= (Ethernet4), d= (Fddi0), g=, forward
IP: s= (Ethernet2), d=, rcvd 2
IP: s= (Ethernet4), d= (Serial2), g=, access denied

Figure 2-77 shows two types of messages that the debug ip packet command can produce; the first line of output describes an IP packet that the router forwards, and the third line of output describes a packet that is destined for the router. In the third line of output, "rcvd 2" indicates that the router decided to receive the packet.

Table 2-42 describes the fields shown in the first line of Figure 2-77.

Table  2-42: Debug IP Packet Field Descriptions
Field Description
IP: Indicates that this is an IP packet.
s = (Fddi0) Indicates the source address of the packet and the name of the interface that received the packet.
d = (Serial2) Indicates the destination address of the packet and the name of the interface (in this case, S2) through which the packet is being sent out on the network.
g = Indicates the address of the next hop gateway.
forward Indicates that the router is forwarding the packet. If a filter denies a packet, "access denied" replaces "forward," as shown in the last line of output in Figure 2-77.

The calculation on whether to send a security error message can be somewhat confusing. It depends upon both the security label in the datagram and the label of the incoming interface. First, the label contained in the datagram is examined for anything obviously wrong. If nothing is wrong, assume it to be correct. If there is something wrong, the datagram is treated as unclassified genser. Then the label is compared with the interface range, and the appropriate action is taken as Table 2-43 describes.

Table  2-43: Security Actions
Classification Authorities Action Taken
Too low Too low


Too high

No Response

No Response

No Response

In range Too low


Too high

No Response


Send Error

Too high Too low

In range

Too high

No Response

Send Error

Send Error

The security code can only generate a few types of ICMP error messages. The only possible error messages and their meanings follow:

Note The message "ICMP Parameter problem, code 2" identifies a specific error that occurs in the processing of a datagram. This message indicates that the router received a datagram containing a maximum length IP header but no security option. After being processed and routed to another interface, it is discovered that the outgoing interface is marked with "add a security label." Since the IP header is already full, the system cannot add a label and must drop the datagram and return an error message.

When an IP packet is rejected due to an IP security failure, an audit message is sent via DNSIX NAT. Also, any debug ip packet output is appended to include a description of the reason for rejection. This description can be any of the following:

debug ip pim

Use the debug ip pim EXEC command to display Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) packets received and transmitted as well as PIM related events.The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip pim [group]
no debug ip pim [group]
Syntax Description
group (Optional) Group name or address to monitor a single group's packet activity.
Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

PIM uses IGMP packets to communicate between routers and advertise reachability information.

Use this command with debug ip igmp and debug ip mrouting to observe additional multicast routing information.

Sample Display

Figure 2-78 shows sample debug ip pim output.

Figure 2-78: Sample Debug IP PIM Output
router# debug ip pim 
PIM: Received Join/Prune on Ethernet1 from 
PIM: Received Join/Prune on Ethernet1 from 
PIM: Received Join/Prune on Tunnel0 from 
PIM: Received Join/Prune on Ethernet1 from 
PIM: Received Join/Prune on Ethernet1 from
PIM: Received RP-Reachable on Ethernet1 from 
PIM: Update RP expiration timer for 
PIM: Forward RP-reachability packet for on Tunnel0 
PIM: Received Join/Prune on Ethernet1 from 
PIM: Prune-list (,   
PIM: Set join delay timer to 2 seconds for (, on Ethernet1 
PIM: Received Join/Prune on Ethernet1 from 
PIM: Received Join/Prune on Ethernet1 from 
PIM: Received Join/Prune on Tunnel0 from 
PIM: Join-list: (*, RP 
PIM: Add Tunnel0 to (*,, Forward state 
PIM: Join-list: (,   
PIM: Add Tunnel0 to (,, Forward state 
PIM: Join-list: (,   
PIM: Prune-list (, RP-bit set RP 
PIM: Send Prune on Ethernet1 to for (,, RP 
PIM: For RP, Prune-list: 
PIM: For RP, Prune-list: 
PIM: For RP, Prune-list: 
PIM: For RP, Prune-list: 
PIM: For RP, Prune-list: 
PIM: For, Join-list: 
PIM: Send periodic Join/Prune to RP via (Ethernet1) 

Explanations for individual lines of output from Figure 2-78 follow.

The following lines appear periodically when PIM is running in sparse mode and indicate to this router which multicast groups and multicast sources other routers are interested in:

PIM: Received Join/Prune on Ethernet1 from 
PIM: Received Join/Prune on Ethernet1 from 

The following lines appear when a rendezvous point (RP) message is received and the RP timer is reset. The expiration timer sets a checkpoint to make sure the RP still exists; otherwise a new RP must be discovered:

PIM: Received RP-Reachable on Ethernet1 from 
PIM: Update RP expiration timer for 
PIM: Forward RP-reachability packet for on Tunnel0 

The prune-list message in the following line states that this router is not interested in the source address information. The prune message tells an upstream router to stop forwarding multicast packets from this source.

PIM: Prune-list (,   

In the following line, a second router on the network wants to override the prune message that the upstream router just received. The timer is set at a random value so that if there are additional routers on the network that still want to receive multicast packets for the group, only one will actually send the message. The other routers will receive the join message and then suppress sending their own message.

PIM: Set join delay timer to 2 seconds for (, on Ethernet1 

In the following line, a join message is sent towards the RP for all sources:

PIM: Join-list: (*, RP 

In the following lines, the interface is being added to the outgoing interface (OIF) of the *,G and S,G mroute table entry so that packets from the source will be forwarded out that particular interface:

PIM: Add Tunnel0 to (*,, Forward state 
PIM: Add Tunnel0 to (,, Forward state 

The following line appears in sparse mode only. There are two trees on which data may be received: the RP tree and the source tree. In dense mode there is no RP. After the source and the receiver have discovered one another at the RP, the first-hop router for the receiver will usually join to the source tree rather than the RP tree:

PIM: Prune-list (, RP-bit set RP 

The Send Prune message in the next line shows that a router is sending a message to a second router saying that the first router no longer wants to receive multicast packets for the S,G. The "RP" at the end of the message indicates that the router is pruning the RP tree and is most likely joining the source tree, although the router may not have downstream members for the group or downstream routers with members of the group. The output shows which specific sources this router no longer wants to receive multicast from.

PIM: Send Prune on Ethernet1 to for (,, RP 

The following lines indicate a prune message is sent toward the RP so that router can join the source tree rather than the RP tree:

PIM: For RP, Prune-list: 
PIM: For RP, Prune-list: 
PIM: For RP, Prune-list: 

In the following line, a periodic message is sent towards the RP. The default period is once per minute. Prune and join messages are sent toward the RP or source rather than directly to the RP or source. It is the responsibility of the next-hop router to take proper action with this message, such as continuing to forward it to the next router in the tree.

PIM: Send periodic Join/Prune to RP via (Ethernet1) 
Related Commands

debug ip dvmrp
debug ip igmp
debug ip igrp transaction
debug ip mrouting
debug ip sd

debug ip rip

Use the debug ip rip EXEC command to display information on RIP routing transactions. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip rip
no debug ip rip
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Sample Display

Figure 2-79 shows sample debug ip rip output.

Figure 2-79: Sample Debug IP RIP Output

Figure 2-79 shows that the router being debugged has received updates from one router at source address That router sent information about five destinations in the routing table update. Notice that the fourth destination address in the update-- inaccessible because it is more than 15 hops away from the router sending the update. The router being debugged also sent updates, in both cases to broadcast address as the destination.

The first line in Figure 2-79 is self-explanatory.

The second line in Figure 2-79 is an example of a routing table update. It shows how many hops a given Internet address is from the router.

The entries in Figure 2-79 show that the router is sending updates that are similar, except that the number in parentheses is the source address encapsulated into the IP header.

Examples of additional output that the debug ip rip command can generate follow.

Entries such as the following appear at startup or when an event occurs such as an interface transitioning or a user manually clearing the routing table:

RIP: broadcasting general request on Ethernet0
RIP: broadcasting general request on Ethernet1

The following line is self-explanatory:

RIP: received request from on Ethernet0

An entry such as the following is most likely caused by a malformed packet from the transmitter:

RIP: bad version 128 from

debug ip routing

Use the debug ip routing EXEC command to display information on Routing Information Protocol (RIP) routing table updates and route-cache updates. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip routing
no debug ip routing
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Sample Display

Figure 2-80 shows sample debug ip routing output.

Figure 2-80: Sample Debug IP Routing Output
router# debug ip routing
RT: add via, igrp metric [100/3020]
RT: metric change to via, igrp metric [100/3020]
        new metric [100/2930]
IP: cache invalidation from 0x115248 0x1378A, new version 5736
RT: add via, igrp metric [100/16200]
RT: metric change to via, igrp metric [100/16200]
        new metric [100/10816]
RT: delete route to via, igrp metric [100/10816]
RT: no routes to, entering holddown
IP: cache invalidation from 0x115248 0x1378A, new version 5737
RT: came out of holddown
RT: garbage collecting entry for
IP: cache invalidation from 0x115248 0x1378A, new version 5738
RT: add via, igrp metric [100/10816]
RT: delete route to via, igrp metric [100/10816]
RT: no routes to, entering holddown
IP: cache invalidation from 0x115248 0x1378A, new version 5739
RT: came out of holddown
RT: garbage collecting entry for
IP: cache invalidation from 0x115248 0x1378A, new version 5740
RT: add via, igrp metric [100/16200]
RT: metric change to via, igrp metric [100/16200]
        new metric [100/10816]
RT: delete route to via, igrp metric [100/10816]
RT: no routes to, entering holddown
IP: cache invalidation from 0x115248 0x1378A, new version 5741

Explanations for representative lines of output in Figure 2-80 follow.

In the following lines, a newly created entry has been added to the IP routing table. The "metric change" indicates that this entry existed previously, but its metric changed and the change was reported by means of IGRP. The metric could also be reported via RIP, OSPF, or another IP routing protocol. The numbers inside the brackets report the administrative distance and the actual metric.

"Cache invalidation" means that the fast switching cache was invalidated due to a routing table change. "New version" is the version number of the routing table. When the routing table changes, this number is incremented. The hexadecimal numbers are internal numbers that vary from version to version and software load to software load.

RT: add via, igrp metric [100/3020]
RT: metric change to via, igrp metric [100/3020]
        new metric [100/2930]
IP: cache invalidation from 0x115248 0x1378A, new version 5736

In the following output, the "holddown" and "cache invalidation" lines are displayed. Most of the distance vector routing protocols use "holddown" to avoid typical problems like counting to infinity and routing loops. If you look at the output of show ip protocols you will see what the timer values are for "holddown" and "cache invalidation". "Cache invalidation" corresponds to "came out of holddown". "Delete route" is triggered when a better path comes along. It gets rid of the old inferior path.

RT: delete route to via, igrp metric [100/10816]
RT: no routes to, entering holddown
IP: cache invalidation from 0x115248 0x1378A, new version 5737
RT: came out of holddown

debug ip sd

Use the debug ip sd command to display all session directory (SD) announcements received. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip sd
no debug ip sd
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command shows session directory announcements for multicast IP. Use it to observe multicast activity.

Sample Display

Figure 2-81 shows sample debug ip sd output.

Figure 2-81: Sample Debug IP SD Output
router# debug ip sd
SD: Announcement from on Serial0.1, 146 bytes
    s=*cisco: CBONE Audio
    i=cisco internal-only audio conference
    c= 16 2891478496 2892688096
    m=audio 31372 1700
SD: Announcement from on Serial0.1, 147 bytes
    s=IMS: U.S. Senate
    i=U.S. Senate at
    c= 95 0 0
    m=audio 36572 2642

Table 2-44 provides explanations for representative lines of the debug ip sd output shown in Figure 2-81.

Table  2-44: Debug IP SD Output Descriptions
Field Description
SD Session directory event.
Announcement from Address sending the SD announcement.
on Serial0.1 Interface receiving the announcement.
146 bytes Size of the announcement event.
s= Session name being advertised.
i= Information providing a descriptive name for the session.
o= Origin of the session, either an IP address or a name.
c= Connect description showing address and number of hops.
m= Media description that includes media type, port number, and ID.
Related Commands

debug ip dvmrp
debug ip igmp
debug ip mcache
debug ip mrouting
debug ip pim

debug ip security

Use the debug ip security EXEC command to display IP security option processing. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip security
no debug ip security
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The debug ip security command displays information for both basic and extended IP security options. For interfaces where ip security is configured, each IP packet processed for that interface results in debugging output regardless of whether the packet contains IP security options. IP packets processed for other interfaces that also contain IP security information also trigger debugging output. Some additional IP security debugging information is also controlled by the debug ip packet EXEC command.

Note Because the debug ip security command generates a significant amount of output for every IP packet processed, use it only when traffic on the IP network is low, so other activity on the system is not adversely affected.
Sample Display

Figure 2-82 shows sample debug ip security output.

Figure 2-82: Sample Debug IP Security Output
router# debug ip security
IP Security: src dst, number of BSO 1
     idb: NULL
     pak: insert (0xFF) 0x0
IP Security: BSO postroute: SECINSERT changed to secret (0x5A) 0x10
IP Security: src dst, number of BSO 1
     idb: secret (0x6) 0x10 to secret (0x6) 0x10, no implicit
          def secret (0x6) 0x10
     pak: secret (0x5A) 0x10
IP Security: checking BSO 0x10 against [0x10 0x10]
IP Security: classified BSO as secret (0x5A) 0x10

Table 2-45 describes significant fields shown in Figure 2-82.

Table  2-45: Debug IP Security Field Descriptions
Field Description
number of BSO Indicates the number of basic security options found in the packet.
idb Provides information on the security configuration for the incoming interface.
pak Provides information on the security classification of the incoming packet.
src Indicates the source IP address.
dst Indicates the destination IP address.

Explanations for representative lines of output in Figure 2-82 follow.

The following line indicates that the packet was locally generated, and it has been classified with the internally significant security level "insert" (0xff) and authority 0x0:

idb: NULL
pak: insert (0xff) 0x0

The following line indicates that the packet was received via an interface with dedicated IP security configured. Specifically, the interface is configured at security level "secret" and with authority information of 0x0. The packet itself was classified at level "secret" (0x5a) and authority 0x10.

idb: secret (0x6) 0x10 to secret (0x6) 0x10, no implicit
     def secret (0x6) 0x10
pak: secret (0x5A) 0x10

debug ip tcp driver

Use the debug ip tcp driver EXEC command to display information on Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) driver events; for example, connections opening or closing, or packets being dropped because of full queues. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip tcp driver
no debug ip tcp driver
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

The TCP driver is the process that the router software uses to send packet data over a TCP connection. Remote source-route bridging, STUN (serial tunneling), and X.25 switching currently use the TCP driver.

Using the debug ip tcp driver command together with the debug ip tcp driver-pak command provides the most verbose debugging output concerning TCP driver activity.

Sample Display

Figure 2-83 shows sample debug ip tcp driver output.

Figure 2-83: Sample Debug IP TCP Driver Output
router# debug ip tcp driver
TCPDRV359CD8: Active open --> OK, lport 36628
TCPDRV359CD8: enable tcp timeouts
TCPDRV359CD8: --> Abort
TCPDRV359CD8: --> DoClose tcp abort

Explanations for individual lines of output from Figure 2-83 follow.

Table 2-46 describes the fields in the first line of output.

Table  2-46: Debug IP TCP Driver Field Descriptions
Field Description
TCPDRV359CD8: Unique identifier for this instance of TCP driver activity.
Active open Indication that the router at IP address has initiated a connection to another router.
:0 The TCP port number the initiator of the connection uses to indicate that any port number can be used to set up a connection.
--> The IP address of the remote router to which the connection has been initiated.
:1996 The TCP port number that the initiator of the connection is requesting that the remote router use for the connection. (1996 is a private TCP port number reserved in this implementation for remote source-route bridging.)
OK, Indication that the connection has been established. If the connection has not been established, this field and the following field do not appear in this line of output.
lport 36628 The TCP port number that has actually been assigned for the initiator to use for this connection.

The following line indicates that the TCP driver user (remote source-route bridging, in this case) will allow TCP to drop the connection if excessive retransmissions occur:

TCPDRV359CD8: enable tcp timeouts

The following line indicates that the TCP driver user (in this case, remote source-route bridging) at IP address (and using TCP port number 36628) is requesting that the connection to IP address using TCP port number 1996 be aborted:

TCPDRV359CD8: --> Abort

The following line indicates that this connection was in fact closed due to an abort:

TCPDRV359CD8: --> DoClose tcp abort

debug ip tcp driver-pak

Use the debug ip tcp driver-pak EXEC command to display information on every operation that the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) driver performs. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip tcp driver-pak
no debug ip tcp driver-pak
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command turns on a verbose debugging by logging at least one debugging message for every packet sent or received on the TCP driver connection.

The TCP driver is the process that the router software uses to send packet data over a TCP connection. Remote source-route bridging, STUN (serial tunneling), and X.25 switching currently use the TCP driver.

To observe the context within which certain debug ip tcp driver-pak messages occur, turn on this command in conjunction with the debug ip tcp driver command.

Note Because the debug ip tcp driver-pak command generates so many messages, use it only on lightly loaded systems. This command not only places a significant load on the system processor, but it may even change the symptoms of any unexpected behavior that occur.
Sample Display

Figure 2-84 shows sample debug ip tcp driver-pak output.

Figure 2-84: Sample Debug IP TCP Driver-Pak Output
router# debug ip tcp driver-pak
TCPDRV359CD8: send 2E8CD8 (len 26) queued
TCPDRV359CD8: output pak 2E8CD8 (len 26) (26)
TCPDRV359CD8: readf 42 bytes (Thresh 16)
TCPDRV359CD8: readf 26 bytes (Thresh 16)
TCPDRV359CD8: readf 10 bytes (Thresh 10)
TCPDRV359CD8: send 327E40 (len 4502) queued
TCPDRV359CD8: output pak 327E40 (len 4502) (4502)

Explanations for individual lines of output from Figure 2-84 follow.

Table 2-47 describes the fields shown in the first line of output.

Table  2-47: Debug TCP Driver-Pak Field Descriptions
Field Description
TCPDRV359CD8 Unique identifier for this instance of TCP driver activity.
send Indication that this event involves the TCP driver sending data.
2E8CD8 Address in memory of the data the TCP driver is sending.
(len 26) Length of the data (in bytes).
queued Indication that the TCP driver user process (in this case, remote source-route bridging) has transferred the data to the TCP driver to send.

The following line indicates that the TCP driver has sent the data that it had received from the TCP driver user, as shown in the previous line of output. The last field in the line (26) indicates that the 26 bytes of data were sent out as a single unit.

TCPDRV359CD8: output pak 2E8CD8 (len 26) (26)

The following line indicates that the TCP driver has received 42 bytes of data from the remote IP address. The TCP driver user (in this case, remote source-route bridging) has established an input threshold of 16 bytes for this connection. (The input threshold instructs the TCP driver to transfer data to the TCP driver user only when at least 16 bytes are present.)

TCPDRV359CD8: readf 42 bytes (Thresh 16)

debug ip tcp transactions

Use the debug ip tcp transactions EXEC command to display information on significant Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) transactions such as state changes, retransmissions, and duplicate packets. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

debug ip tcp transactions
no debug ip tcp transactions
Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

This command is particularly useful for debugging a performance problem on a TCP/IP network that you have isolated above the data link layer.

The debug ip tcp transactions command displays output for packets the router sends and receives, but does not display output for packets it forwards.

Sample Display

Figure 2-85 shows sample debug ip tcp transactions output.

Figure 2-85: Sample Debug IP TCP Output
router# debug ip tcp transactions
TCP: sending SYN, seq 168108, ack 88655553
TCP0: Connection to, advertising MSS 966
TCP0: state was LISTEN -> SYNRCVD [23 ->]
TCP0: state was SYNSENT -> SYNRCVD [23 ->]
TCP0: Connection to, received MSS 956
TCP0: restart retransmission in 5996
TCP0: state was SYNRCVD -> ESTAB [23 ->]
TCP2: restart retransmission in 10689
TCP2: restart retransmission in 10641
TCP2: restart retransmission in 10633
TCP2: restart retransmission in 13384 ->]
TCP0: restart retransmission in 5996 [23 ->]

Table 2-48 describes significant fields shown in Figure 2-85.

Table  2-48: Debug IP TCP Field Descriptions
Field Description
TCP: Indicates that this is a TCP transaction.
sending SYN Indicates that a synchronize packet is being sent.
seq 168108 Indicates the sequence number of the data being sent.
ack 88655553 Indicates the sequence number of the data being acknowledged.
TCP0: Indicates the TTY number (0, in this case) with which this TCP connection is associated.
Connection to Indicates the remote address with which a connection has been established.
advertising MSS 966 Indicates the maximum segment size this side of the TCP connection is offering to the other side.
state was LISTEN -> SYNSENT Indicates that the TCP state machine changed state from LISTEN to SYNSENT. Possible TCP states follow:

CLOSED--Connection closed.

CLOSEWAIT--Received a FIN segment.

CLOSING--Received a FIN/ACK segment.

ESTAB--Connection established.

FINWAIT 1--Sent a FIN segment to start closing the connection.

FINWAIT 2--Waiting for a FIN segment.

LASTACK--Sent a FIN segment in response to a received FIN segment.

LISTEN--Listening for a connection request.

SYNRCVD--Received a SYN segment, and responded.

SYNSENT--Sent a SYN segment to start connection negotiation.

TIMEWAIT--Waiting for network to clear segments for this connection before the network no longer recognizes the connection as valid. This must occur before a new connection can be set up.

[23 ->] Within these brackets:

The first field (23) indicates local TCP port.

The second field ( indicates the destination IP address.

The third field (22530) indicates the destination TCP port.

restart retransmission in 5996 Indicates the number of milliseconds until the next retransmission takes place.

Copyright 1989-1997 © Cisco Systems Inc.